Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Reverse Hooking ~

I am not a fan of reverse hooking.  For you non-hookers, reverse hooking is ripping out and re-doing ~ frogging in cross stitch parlance.  I know many hookers don't have a problem with removing loops and replacing them with a different wool.  I am better than I used to be about doing it but still would rather not.
Henny Penny is a Barbara Carroll pattern I finished hooking last summer.  I never was quite sure about what I called the "blobs" on either side of Henny.  After posting this picture a couple weeks ago, I decided I would never be happy unless I changed it.

It didn't take very long and I am so happy I did.  I actually like the rug now.  Alice, remember those purple feet are for you :)

Now all I need to do is bind it . . . sigh.

Thanks for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. I am with you I hate to reverse hook the rug I am working on now I have reversed hooked more than any other of my rugs.

  2. My post for tomorrow is on reverse hooking. Your final (?) version looks good. Love the purple feet.

  3. Worth every moment of reverse hooking!

  4. The rug is very sweet, Lauren. It is very hard to figure out what to do with the "blobs"....remember my cat rug last year?? I reverse hooked the whole thing, rolled it up and put it in my drawer...UGH!!

  5. I really like the changes you made Lauren...sometimes you need to set a rug aside and let it tell you what to do...when it needs too much reverse hooking I know it'll never get hooked...time to turn over the backing and draw something else...

  6. Love it! I'm glad you made the changes that now make you happy with it!
    Erica :)

  7. Glad you changed it Lauren, it looks much better!! I love that little pattern!

  8. Lauren ~ when you're right, you're right! It does look much better now ~ and no one hates to reverse hook more than me! Thanks for leaving the purple feet ~ every chick should have them!!!! Have a great day!!

  9. Lauren, I don't love reverse hooking either but sometimes we have no choice if we want to be happy with our rug finish. I think you made a good choice on your rug. It looks great and now the "blobs" don't take away from the motifs in the rug. Now get that rug bound girl!

  10. Loren, I LOVE the redo. I was thinking about you last night as I was hooking some wool you gave me. I've got to track down one of the greens - It's perfect for grass, stems and leaves. Off to check it out now. ~Ann

  11. Why did I spell your name wrong! Sorry - Lauren!

  12. Lauren, Your wonderful rug has gone from fabulous to VERY FABULOUS!!!! Isn't is gratifying to make a small change resulting in such a huge impact?!


  13. What a great improvement with changing to a darker wool. It's beautiful.
    Now the binding will surely be a much happier chore, lol.

    Have a great weekend.

  14. Good eye! I didn't mind the blobs but prefer it with the changes you made. The colors are just perfect in this rug. Maria

  15. I thought the first posting of the rug looked great, but must admit that I like it even better now. Thanks for posting this and showing the before and after.


  16. Never heard of this term and I have been hooking for many moons. Always something to lean. LenZie


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