Sunday, February 17, 2013

Maria Drew a Little Lamb ~

Her fleece is kind of dirty.

But when I get her all hooked up
I think she'll look real purdy.

How's that for a redneck poem?  I know, don't quit the day job :)
So often when it's time to go to hooking, I have nothing on the frame.  That was the case last week as I was heading to That'll Do Farm.  I had just finished Tin Rooster (another of Maria's patterns) and hadn't planned ahead.  I quickly put this little sheep on linen.  I think she is coming out quite sweetly, even if I do say so myself.

Yesterday my hooker partner in crime, Melissa, and I headed to Shelby, Ohio, to the Ault's for their sale.  We thought we died and went to wool heaven.  Even sale wool add$ up quickly!

Today I went to an antiques show.  This show seems to alternate from wonderful to so-so to not so good at all.  I suppose if you like jewelry or glassware items, this would be a show you would enjoy.  Unfortunately this year it wasn't very good at all.  With only 30 vendors and a $6 admission, I won't be attending next year.  I did find this vintage pond boat (50's or 60's???) for my brother's birthday next month.  Other than that, I bought a $1 bag of buttons and a little $1 tin heart mold.  

It's a cold one in northern Ohio today (about 20), but the sun was a welcome sight.  Here's Ellie soaking up a few rays.

Thanks so much for stopping by.  To those of you lucky enough to be off tomorrow, enjoy!  This is the only government holiday I don't get off.  It would be nice, but I'm not complaining (well, not much).  I'm just thankful to have my job.
Pug hugs :)


  1. Very fun pattern and wonderful hooking. I would love to see a wool sale, it sure has gone up.


  2. Love .love the sheep rug!Oh I am so sorry that the show was not what you had hoped.The wool you bought is simply beautiful.Hugs,Jen

  3. lucky dog!! The Aults have amazing wool and the sale sounded great! I hope they bring some with them in April. I am in desparate need of some dark wool..and any other that i might want. Too bad that antique show did n't turn out better....that is dissapointing..but it looks like you got a pretty good deal on things! Glad you had a nice weekend....looking forward to seeing you in April! The sheep rug is adorable!

  4. I love your little poem - it's totally appropriate! I went to an antique show on Saturday - I could have spent a bundle, but only came home with a blue bowl and a zinc jar lid.

  5. Love the new rug..I never understand why they charge admission when all the vendors pay for their stands.I think with the sellers not being so great it's the economy.You figure less people buying and inventory and stand cost.Warm Blessings!~Amy

  6. Lauren,
    Your little sheep rug is the sweetest. Love the wools you are using and the nice selection from Ault's. I know how disappointing it is to go to a show and not see any primitives. At least you found a couple of little things. Ellie is adorable catching some sun. Have a great day even if you do have to work. Hugs, Lori

  7. lamb is great and what a wool haul!
    I like the pond boat. we were so warm last week in the 40's but now we have been in the single digets for a few days now. come on spring.

  8. Morning Lauren, love the sweet little lamb, and the wonderful tin heart mold, beautiful.......I have to work to, Blessings Francine.

  9. Love the little lamb, too adorable!! Yes, wool even when it is on sale can add up! We just want a piece of each one Lol!!
    Have a great day!

  10. The little lamb is "purty"!
    If I counted up how much money I have spent on wool - sale or otherwise - I could pay our mortgage off! LOL!

  11. I love that sheep and I love your poem. Your wool is so awesome. I would love to go do something like that someday.
    I have had a hankering to go do some antiquing.
    Well have a lovely week.

  12. Love your poetry! And yes... that sweet little sheep is lookin' purdy! :-) Looks like a great wool sale too!

  13. Love your sheep, so cute. I'm jealous that you live close to Aults. Here in California it's difficult to find places that carry wool.

  14. Nice sheep and terrific wool.

  15. Lauren, how wonderful to visit Ault's, you must have felt like a kid in a candy store!!!Rug hooking, along with most things today, has become an expensive hobby it does not take long for the tab to run up.... I do think the sheep rug is going to be purdy, very purdy...Glad to see Ellie is still enjoying herself, hope her owner is improving. Have a good evening, Julie.

  16. What a cute sheep. All the wool looks wonderful!Cheri

  17. I'm liking the sheep and also appreciated your poem (being a red neck myself). Wool is always nice to bring home, particularly when it is sale wool.


  18. She is a purdy little sheep. That big pile of wool sure is purdy too. I have a new "sheep" rug ready to start.

  19. Hi, Lauren, Love your sheep. That background wool is wonderful, do you have a picture of that wool uncut so I could see what it looks like? What are you going to do with the borders and corners? Behind the boat, I see your lovely apothecaries on your pie safe, and I love that cat rug? Is that your pattern, or where did get it? I am working on the double cats pattern I bought from Maria.
    Cold and nasty and windy here...

  20. I enjoyed your little rhyme Lauren - sorry you didn't have Pres day off but neither did we - we barely get Jesus' birthday off and actually if it falls on the weekend - so sad too bad - we don't get a thing. Enjoy your little wooley sheep - Mel


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