Thursday, January 3, 2013

What Goes Up ~ Must Come Down

Thankfully the Christmas stuff goes down much more quickly than it goes up, but I've barely begun to un-decorate (de-decorate?).  I would love to grasp the concept of simplify, but somehow it is out of my reach.

Isn't this just the greatest needle-felted Santa?  A gift from Andi at That'll Do Farm.  I smile every time I see him.

I got a surprise box in the mail from Acorn Hollow Cathy.  It was NOT a Christmas present (says Cathy), but look at this little cinnamon-crusted Santa she made me.  He smells heavenly.  She also sent me a felted bar of soap.  (That just doesn't sound right.)

I have finally started a couple projects.  I've got a Pineberry Lane cross stitch pattern started ~ just barely.  On my frame is the beginning of my belated Christmas gift to my brother's SO.  I'm just a little behind.

Ellie and Annie are getting along much better (as long as there is no food involved) and are actually starting to play.  Earlier they were tearing around the dining room table like two wild hooligans. They should sleep good tonight.  It's hard to get a picture they move so quickly.

Thank you so much for stopping by and a big THANK YOU to all my new followers.
Pug hugs :)


  1. Possibly a New Years Peace Treaty for the pooches? Lets hope. Every year when I go to find the decorations they are in a mess. Just thrown willy nilly in bins. I bet you're totally organized.
    Lovely gifts from Cathy. She's a sweetie.

  2. Wonderful gifts and I started back on my rug today, decided it was time to finish the ark piece.


  3. Sweey gifts from friends !..:) ...I've not begun my de- or un- or...reverse decorating
    I'm glad to see the pups are not arguing...they can be such children, eh ??

  4. Great gifts! I am gradually taking down Christmas hoping to have it completely done this weekend. So glad it comes down much quicker :)
    Happy for you that Ellie and Annie are getting along!

  5. Glad to hear the pooches are adjusting a bit more. I need to hook on my snowman this weekend. :)

  6. I am working on taking down some christmas everyday I get home from work I will keep the tree up for last. glad the two are getting along it makes it easier for you.

  7. Lauren cute poses on the dogs.
    Enjoy your day.

  8. Morning Lauren, wonderful Santa Cathy sent you, bet it smells heavenly.......So happy the dogs are getting along, great......Blessings Francine.

  9. Lauren, can't wait to see more of the hooked rug!! That pose of the dogs is so cute!! Have a great day!

  10. thoughtful gifts from the heart from blogger friends always warms the heart.

    I used to be so organized but I'm getting tired of being organized and now it's a hit and miss kind of organization. I'm putting decorations a little bit at a time just because I don't have to do it all at once.

    I'm glad that the dogs are getting along better now. It sure will make things easier to bear for you.

  11. So happy the dogs are finally getting's awful to be a refere to animals...had to do that now and then here with the kitties.
    Your teas of the rug is

  12. Glad to hear the pups are getting along better these days.Can't wait to see the projects you are working on,very pretty color of wool.Sweet gifts from Cathy.Have fun getting things down.Hugs,Jen

  13. I know what you mean about taking down all the holiday stuff. I am trying to do a little bit each day, though all of my snowmen are staying out until February.

    I'm so glad to hear that the doggies are doing better together!...even playing. That is fabulous news.

  14. I'm so pleased they have made peace and can play nicely together; that makes life much easier for you.

    Since I didn't decorate as fully as you it required much less un-decorating, de-decorating than you are having.


  15. It does come down faster than it went up. It looks like you have been having fun and I do like your cute little dogs. Which Pineberry Lane did you start? I love your hooked piece. I drew patterns yesterday but I need to cut wool.


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