Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Lucky, Lucky Me :)

Kelley over at With Hook and Needle had a "secret" give-away.  She took people who commented on her blog over a number of months and entered them in her give-away.  Debbie from Woolen Sails and I were the lucky winners!  We each received one of Kelley's hooked snowmen.  OH MY!!!  It is just wonderful.  

He measures about 15" x 16" and is much "dirtier" in person :)

Don't you just love those rosey cheeks?


Kelley, thank you from the bottom of my pea pickin' little heart!!!  I just love my little snow guy and you can be happy knowing he is in his forever home :)  AND . . . she also sent me the most wonderful piece of wool.  More than a half yard of a luscious dark wool ~ perfect for a background.
* * *
Christmas decorating was going very well and I emphasize "was". I've been close to finishing but have not been home for more than an hour or two for days on end and that is not going to change in the near future.  Tomorrow I am getting grandson Jake and Thursday evening is his Christmas program.  AND . . . I think I am having 12-15 people here for lunch on Saturday.  Even though I don't have to prepare the food, the house needs to be D-O-N-E and I'm not sure how that is going to happen.  I am still not stressing but that may soon end . . . lol!  Wish me luck!

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. Congrats Lauren! He looks very frosty and happy in his new home! You have to smile when you see his cute rosy cheeks! That Kelley... a generous soul she is!!
    Enjoy your gathering and Jakes program!
    Your house looks great from here!!
    Cathy G

  2. Great snowman rug! He is so sweet and jolly...love the background color!
    That corner looks fantastic! The hanging cupboard is wonderful!
    My decorations are going up in dribs and drabs as well...I just can't seem to get it all together this year!
    Have fun with Jake at his program...and your get together on Saturday!

  3. What a lovely surprise. He is cute as a dickens. Enjoy your lunch, it's all about the company!

  4. congratulations! you are one lucky lady. have fun with Jake. Denise

  5. Hi Lauren, oh my stars!!!!!!!!..what a sweet hooked snowman rug....love those rosy cheeks to......Congrats on the win......Enjoy your time with Jake.......Blessings Francine.

  6. Oh Lauren, Congratulations on your great win. That cute snowman rug looks like he was made to order especially for you. Maybe he thinks he's a pug and wants to be picked up. Wow, all that wool... how very lucky.

    It looks like people gather at your house because they feel so welcome. Don't fret about having the house "DONE" and just enjoy each person as they are more precious than how prepared the house is,... as long as they have food to fill their tummy and they have a good time. That is more important and just relax and it will be more relaxing for everyone. ENJOY Jake's program too.


  7. You lucky lucky girl. It looks adorable on your wall. Have fun with your upcoming event and I'm quite positive no one will be wearing white gloves and rubbing on your furniture. They will be having too much fun for such nonsense.


  8. I know you will get it all done. Your snowman is just wonderful.
    Yes, this is the season.

  9. That is one cute snowman! Luck to you...you'll get it all done. Somehow.

  10. Your snow guy is wonderful! Glad you won..smile..Yikes you better get busy for this weekend.Warm Blessings!~Amy

  11. Go Lauren! It's nice to win something that brings a smile to your face every time you see it! He is wonderful :)

  12. Congratulations Lauren.
    He makes me smile...me needs one!

  13. Oh....I am so TRES jealous!! ;o) (But you knew that already!) I just love Kelley's "style." She does things with wool and hook that I only dream about. Wishing you the best on your merry-making. Ummmm...I'm so far behind here, some might think I'm ahead.... Smiles & Frosty Hugs ~ Robin

  14. PS - What's in the cabinet on the wall??? Are those old butter prints???? (You're making me QUITE green here you know!) :o) r

  15. so glad the little santa snowmen is happy in his new spot...he always cracks me up...

    I'm using some of that wool I sent for the background of a gift...yummy...

  16. Congrats on your win. The rug is beautiful & couldn't have gone to a nicer lady. Enjoy it..I know you will.

    Have a wonderful evening~Becky


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