Sunday, December 30, 2012

Christmas with Jake ~

Last night we celebrated Christmas with Jake.  Can you tell by the look on his face he was a little excited?

Son J with girlfriend Jessica and Annie being a PIA.

Jake in the sock monkey hat I got him.  As I suspected, it was an adult sized one.  I got a pic of my son wearing it, but promised I would not post it.  Darn ~ it was a hoot.

We've gotten a bit more now.  I'm guessing maybe 8" of the white stuff.  That's more than we ever had on the ground last winter.  I ended up having to work again yesterday.  All work and no play is wearing me out.  Thankfully New Year's Day is a holiday.

The little hit and miss hooked mat is bound and hopefully will get to its new home in the next day or two.  I have nothing on my frame.  I hate when I don't plan a rug ahead and then it seems to take forever to find my next project so nothing gets hooked.  I think my hook may be getting rusty.  I still need to hook a Christmas present.  Rather than run out and buy something at the last minute, I told the recipient she would eventually get her present . . . sigh.    The little watering can was a gift from BFF Wink.  It is only about 11" tall ~ just too sweet.

Ellie is never far from my side.  Her mom doesn't seem to be improving.  When I visit her, they don't tell me much because of Hipaa laws.  They have done many tests but I'm not sure they have determined what is going on.  Ellie and Annie are doing a bit better, but having two dogs is very difficult for me.  I don't have a fenced yard and they can't be walked together and Ellie needs frequent trips outside to avoid "accidents".  I called the rescue she was adopted from hoping someone could foster Ellie while my friend is on the mend.  The rescue coordinator is pregnant and stressed, so she was not very helpful.  She said the only option was for Ellie to be boarded.  I don't want to do that to the poor little thing, so I will take it a day at a time.  Has anyone out there been through a similar situation and can offer any suggestions?

I haven't even started to think about taking down the Christmas decorations.  I normally start after New Year's Day, but this year I may be running later than that.  Thankfully they come down a little more quickly than they go up, but it still takes me many days.  

Thanks for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. Oh gosh Lauren you have your hands full there. I wish I was closer, I'd try to help you out somehow. I didn't know what your job was like but I don't think I'd want that one. People always complaining about the snow and how it's handled! What do they complain about in the summer? I'm sure in the fall it's leaves. Wishing you a Happy New Year with all good things.


  2. Lauren, you sure do have alot on your plate.
    I loved seeing Jake with the Monkey hat. His eyes were dancing he was so HAPPY!
    I love the watering can, I collect them and have them out all year.
    We got over 12 inches of snow here in Hopkinton, Mass. We go with the flow!LOL
    Have a blessed New Year 2013.I lost 11 pounds so far, you can do it.
    I am 44 years old and want to be a size 4 or 2 like I used too.I don't have to much more to lose about 25 more pounds, so I keep thinking SUMMER!
    Then I am hoping I don't need my blood medication anymore, I am on three, yep3, so my husband said If you want the nutrisystem I will order it, I am going to be on it for 2 more months to get to my goal weight.
    I also have been walking and carrying firewood in our home so I am working out as well, and drinking 8 bottles of water.
    I am very pleased with the nutrisystem I am on.
    They also send through email when you get off how to eat healthy and keep the weight off.
    I am going to wear my bathing suit this year, WOOHOO!
    I bet you can do it and drink water, walk and watch what you eat. It was hard for me NOT to eat one cookie that I made and I made ALOT plus a homemade apple pie for my FIL!

    I can see you had a wonderful Christmas.
    Have a wonderful Happy New Year(2013)!

  3. Lauren we had rain but snow looks so nice at Christmas time! Jake is so cute . You are a busy gal, Hugs Cheri

  4. It is fun to have extra christmas days with the kids too. We used to do two days so we could visit both sides, the kids loved that. Poor pup, the shelters don't seem to want to shelter pets anymore, ours just says not to feed the strays and they will go away. One now is in my basement stairs, afraid to let it near mine, but is is crying and trying to come in and it is freezing outside.


  5. Geez. I hope your friend starts improving soon. Does her daughter have any answers? Our hospital is loaded with flu patients because it really hits the lungs hard. Can you harness and use a cable or chain out the back? We had cable bolted to the house and the back tree with the sliding lead. It's a little big, but Jake looks cute in the hat!

  6. that Jake is sooo cute. I love your mat, I don't have anything on my frame either so I am doing finishing on a couple of mats I never did bind.
    I have picked up a few of my Christmas things but the tree will stay up until after the new year.

  7. Jake is so cute in that sock monkey the little watering can, to cute........So sad about your friend and her little dog, just a day at a time......Try to relax on the Holiday......Blessings Francine.

  8. Sorry to hear that Ellie's mom does not seem to be improving. The situation with Ellie and Annie is certainly not an easy one, and I wish I had a brilliant suggestion for you. Meanwhile, enjoy your new year holiday! Best to you in 2013.

  9. I adore Jake's sock monkey hat, the child in me wants one too but what would people think of a woman my age wearing one? They would haul me off to the luny bin for sure.

    Hope you can get a little reprieve from work and become friends with your rug hook again.

    Hugs and keep warm.


  10. Wow, Jake got all his teeth. How he's growing fast that handsome red head.
    Sorry about you having to work and listen to all the ungrateful complainers and all the snow you got.

    I'm also sorry about the dog predicament you're in. Years ago I heard that it was comfort for a dog to have an unwashed piece of clothing or fabric that had a familiar scent from his home... I tried it and it worked for our little dog years ago. He just curled up and would go to sleep on the shirt in his bed.
    The poor dog must be anxious about his owner being sick and gone. I hope that she gets better soon.
    Hope you can come up with a solution.


  11. Lauren - We have received about 12"-15" of snow since Christmas and we're loving it! Your pictures are so pretty! Hope you think of a new rug to hook soon - soon - don't want you forget how to do it! LOL (just kidding)

  12. Lauren,

    Jake's hat is very cute! Don't tell him I said "cute" he probably wouldn't like that. Cool might be a better word.

    Love the hit and miss mat!

    Happy New Year. ~Ann

  13. I'm glad you had a nice time with Jake. He looks very cool in his monkey hat. I hope things improve on the dog situation.

  14. hi lauren im sorry its been soo long since i have stopped by. thanx so much for checking in on me. i love hearing from you. boy that grandbabe is just a doll and seems to be growing.. i love the monkey hat! my daughter keeps grandbabe 1 hair short she thinks he looks clean. my husband had a pony tail down his back when he passed away and g babe wanted to grow his out like papa marks. angie saw a military guy and pointed him out and told g babe that thats how papa looked for many years so that night he asked her to cut it for him like papas. im sorry about your friend being ill gosh so many weird things out there. i know its hard to have an extra fur babe...he is a cutie tho. my grand pup is always chasing poor cindy the kitty and makes me crazy. she will be going home this week. so our quiet house will be quiet again. i hope things improve for you, enjoy your evening lauren and ill be back soon.. am putting chrismas away so i can get busy with other things..

  15. Jake is growing up so fast! He sure is one handsome red~head :)
    Love the hit and miss rug. Hoping Ellie gets easier to take care of and is back home soon. Wishing your friend well.

  16. What a nice time with Jake. He looks so cute and so happy. Too bad about your friend. I hope she starts to get better so her dog can go back home. That is a tough thing to do.
    I hope you enjoy your day off on New Year.
    Your snow looks lovely.

  17. Happy New Year Lauren! I sure hope you enjoy your day off, kick back and relax....pups are cute and so is the boy in the adorable sock monkey hat. Thanks for sharing :)

  18. Hi Lauren, Jake is growing up so fast, so cute.
    We have a pretty good covering of show too. Snowed another couple of inches last evening.
    I have been taking down my decorations today, a little at a time. Didn't have much out really, mainly greens, Santa's and snowmen. Trying to condense things as I put away. Do you have any rug camps planned for this year? Oh, I love that little hit or miss mat on your table.
    Talk to you later.


Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog. Your comments are much appreciated :)