Sunday, December 23, 2012

Feather Trees ~

My antique feather tree ~

See the pickle?

Celluloid reindeer

Reproduction feather tree ~ 
with celluloid Santa and reindeer.

Another reproduction tree ~
actually very dark green,
sitting on a little cross stitch ~
done decades ago :)
Vaillancourt Santa on pig.

A few vintage ornaments.

And yet another newer feather tree. 

Can you believe tomorrow is Christmas Eve?  It sure got here in a big hurry this year.  Everything that is going to get done is done . . . lol!  Is it the same with you?  Or are you one of those who got it all done?  Tomorrow I need to sweep and dust and prepare my make a day ahead potatoes. Christmas preparations didn't go quite as planned but thankfully I stressed a LOT LESS than I normally do.  
Thank you so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. How many trees do you have?? They are all darling. I love all those antique ornaments. Every year I seem to break one. (And cry)
    Here's to a Merry stree-free Christmas!

  2. Hi Lauren, love all your sweet trees and wonderful ornaments........Still have a few things to do......Can't believe it is here already......Merry Christmas to you and the Puggies......Hugs Francine.

  3. Wonderful collection of feather trees. I always clean and cook some things the day before, helps to keep the chaos down on Christmas.


  4. I love the trees!! They are wonderful!
    Our Christmas day will be quite so all's done that needs to be done.
    Merry Christmas to you and your family.

  5. Pretty feather trees.
    I have shopping done, just have to wrap 3 more things. So yes for me it's done. The older I get the less I fret over it. I will spend all day tomorrow cooking and get together at 6.
    Have you watched Loca the Pug yet on youtube?
    If you haven't you must watch it...very very cute. Google it.
    ~Merry Christmas~

  6. Lauren,
    LOVE all those feather trees! I've never seen a blue one before.... beautiful! Now it looks like you should be able to relax and enjoy Christmas before it goes..... thank-you for taking precious time to post!
    Merry Merry Christmas to you and your family!!!
    Cathy G

  7. Lovely trees. All is done for me. Making coleslaw and a pie tomorrow. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

  8. Love your beautiful trees and decorations.
    I'm having interruptions in my server. Merry Christmas. Thanks for being such a loyal follower.
    Hugs & love, JB

  9. I love your trees I have one feather tree reproduction made of real feathers though. It is up but not decorated. I just couldn't get it all together this year.
    Have a wonderful Christmas!

  10. Glad to see I'm not the only tree nut. Great collection of ornaments too. Love the look!

  11. Lauren your trees are fantastic and just look at all those vintage ornaments.
    Blessings to you and your family this Christmas season.

  12. Your ornament collection is gorgeous...perfect on your feather trees...

    Merry Christmas and Happy Hooking!

  13. Merry Christmas Lauren! Relax and enjoy the day! Your feather tree collection (and ornaments) are beautiful!

  14. i love your trees!! Merry Christmas!!!!! denise

  15. Hope you have a wonderful Christmas holiday with your family. Enjoyed the feather tree and ornament collection. My handmade feather tree also has a picke that a friend gave me and for the life of me can't remember what significance it has. Can you remind me.


  16. Love all of your feather trees. Merry Christmas to you and your family.

  17. Merry Merry to you & your fru babaies ~ wishing you every inch of happiness in 2013!!

  18. Lauren, happy, happy holidays to you! Kathy

  19. Lauren, I love your trees and your samplers look neat. Have a Merry Christmas, Hugs Cheri

  20. No....I'm NOT ready yet...(What do you mean, it's OVER?!!) :o( Yeah, it's been THAT kind of year.... Well, like they say, ready or not, it comes....

    Gorgeous trees - and ornies. Now it's me who's the jealous one. And guess what? I CAN pout now....The big guy is probably still snoozing!! ;o) Smiles & Belated Christmas Hugs ~ Robin

  21. Hi Lauren, I love your feather trees. An antique one is on the top of my list to purchase this year. Hopefully I can find a good price on one. Happy New Year! ~Ann


Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog. Your comments are much appreciated :)