Friday, September 21, 2012

How Can it Be?

I don't understand how tomorrow can be the first day of fall.  Wasn't the Fourth of July just a couple weeks ago?  The weather has changed so quickly.  It is downright chilly most of the day and seems to only warm up for a few hours in the afternoon.  I have resisted turning the furnace on, but I have gotten out my little electric heater.  And to think it will only get worse ~ lots worse.  I am not a winter person and the older I get, the more I hate the cold.  I think I was meant to live much further south . . . lol!

My sunflower rug is nearing completion and hopefully will be finished tomorrow.  I'd really like to make a few more of the pumpkins with hand torn strips.  I'd love to find more time to hook and stitch and punch but the day job and life just seems to get in the way . . . sigh.

What a pathetic post!  Hopefully next time I'll have more to say.

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. I really hope that's how your supper went tonight ;). I'm right there with you - the day job interferes with our hooking time. (But it buys the wool so....)

  2. It has been cold here also but no heat on at this point our house stays pretty warm and we have prebought 2 cords of wood to help with the oil bill this winter. ugh I do not want to live in the south but I do mind the winters now.
    I am working tomorrow enjoy your day

  3. Hi Lauren,
    I know what you're sayin'.... how on earth can it be the first day of Fall already?! Hope you can keep the furnace off a little while longer. I finally gave in and turned ours on a few days ago..... just couldn't take the miserable cold any longer! I entertain thoughts of living in the south alot..... in the winter only!
    Hope you get lots of hooking done this weekend!
    Cathy G

  4. it was along time gettin here for me. it's just too hot in florida. denise

  5. We are still very warm here...I'd love a little of that chilly weather! Enjoy your weekend!

  6. LOL I might have to try that in the kitchen.

  7. It has gotten down in the 50's here at night but I must admit I'm loving this weather with no A/C nor heat rquired. Time is coming all too soon where the heat will be required tho.

    Love your cartoon ~ that is how I do all my cookin' in-da kitchen.


  8. I wish I could have joined you in your kitchen. I hope you remembered why you were in the kitchen after a while. I'm getting chilled to the bone and it's raining again. I'm lighting the wood stove again today.

    Hope that your weekend turns out fantastic despite the cold dampness.
    Hugs, JB

  9. You know - I'm thinking the same thing. It can't be fall yet. But by the way the weather has been lately, it's definitely here. I don't think that I remember it getting this cool so quickly, but after the hot, hot summer we had it feels good - just a little too soon.

  10. Oh, Lauren, you sound just like me, dreading the coming cold weather. I admit it we did turn on the furnace twice just to warm it up a bit. I never wanted to do it this early but hey we did.
    Can't wait to see your sunflower. I tried to email Cathy a pic of mine but it didn't go through. I will have to try again.

  11. Enjoy your first day of fall. It is cold? That just amazes me that it can change so fast. I loved the joke and I think I will use that excuse next time I am cooking dinner. :) Have a great day!

  12. Hi, Lauren,
    You and I are totally opposite regarding the arrival of cool weather! I am out today in the windy, cool weather in shorts! And thinking how wonderful it is! I guess you'll just have to stay in and hook :)


  13. Hi Lauren,Were still hot and humid here in California. Enjoy the cold!Hugs Cheri

  14. Hmmmm...sounds like the dinner I cooked tonight. :o

    It is with mixed feelings that I welcome fall...I love that golden season so, but I, too, despise what comes after and can't stand being cold. I guess I don't blame it on fall, though, since, as long as I've lived here, that cold season comes regardless....and sometimes, it comes quickly on the heals of summer, so I just try to enjoy fall as fully as I can.

    Hooking? What's hooking? Yeah, day jobs get in the way....but I'm beginning to think I got more hooking in when I worked full time than I do now. thought your post pathetic....this comment puts you all to shame in the pathetic department.

    Have a good new week.....I'm going to turn up the furnace now.... :o Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin


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