Sunday, August 12, 2012

Animal Enrichment Day~

Saturday was Animal Enrichment Day at the Cleveland, Ohio,  Metroparks Zoo.  We were the guests of friend Dolly (who had adopted my foster pug Eema), a docent at the zoo.  She volunteers on a regular basis and we learned so much about the animals from her!

Here's Jake with his best monkey impression.  I'd say he did a fine job.

From the Cleveland Zoo website . . . "The Zoo's annual Creature Comforts event is your chance to see some of the more unique "enrichment" activities keepers use to enhance the lives of the animals and keep them healthy both mentally and physically.  Past demonstrations have included papier-mache prey for predators to on pounce on, a "beehive" stuffed with treats on a bungee cord for the sloth bear and a puzzle feeder for the octopus to solve."  

Jake loves to take pictures and was determined to get a picture of the beaver.  He was having a heck of a time as they swim pretty darned fast!

Feeding the giraffe.

One of the adult eastern black rhinoceros.  There is a one month old baby, Juba (which means "brave" in Swahili), but he was not outside when we visited the area.

The koala exhibit was one of my favorites.  This is momma with her baby tucked under her arm.  Sweet!

Jake feeding the lorikeet. 

A meerkat standing guard watching for predators while the others played and dug in the dirt.

Jake and I were so fortunate to have such a personalized tour of the zoo.  We spent 7 hours there and my dogs were barkin' by the time we left.  As we were pulling out of the parking lot, Jake asked me if they were going to do this again next year and he wanted to come.  It was a great experience to share with Jake and a big THANK YOU to Dolly.

Thanks for stopping by!
Pug hugs :)


  1. oh my gosh, looks like a great time by the look on jakes face!! enjoy your evening!

  2. It sounds and looks like a really nice day. You grandson looks like he had a wonderful time. I think it cute he wants to do it next year too.
    I loved the really great shots you got I love that one of Jake feeding the giraffe.

  3. I really enjoyed seeing the animals! Looks like Jake had a great time too. Koalas are one of my favorites. I couldn't even sleep when Australia had the fires.

  4. Loved seeing all the animals.Jake is lucky to have a experience like that.He must of had a blast because keeping a kid busy 7 hours is a big Blessings!~Amy

  5. Dolly sure is a sweetie. It looks like a great day. Jake was certainly beaming. Love the giraffe pic.

  6. What a fun day! Looks as if Jake enjoyed his day with you and all the critters!

  7. looks like fun that jake is a cute as ever. It is nice to know that they are taking good care of they animals

  8. Hi Lauren, what a wonderful day, love the monkey face Jake did, great job,LOL. Enjoyed seeing all the animals, thanks for sharing your great day at the zoo,Blessings Francine.

  9. Looks like a wonderful day!! Glad you and Jake enjoyed it!!


  10. Oh but I love Jake's money impression, he's getting to be quite a big guy. Looks like you had a lot of fun. BTW, I also like Koala's; well guess I like all critters.


  11. Wow! What a fun day! I love giraffes, they were always my favorite animal at the zoo when I was got a lot of GREAT pictures!

  12. Lauren, What an exciting day! To have such a personalized tour would be fantastic.

    We didn't have such a tour when we visited - but loved the Cleveland zoo.


  13. Your pictures all came out great! Especially loved the one of Jake & his monkey face. What a sweetheart he is! Dolly

  14. It's me and I'm back to finish my catch-up. I had good intentions yesterday, but then life happened. Gee, wonder why I get behind in the first place.

    Now THAT looks like all kinds of fun! It makes me wonder why it's been so long since I've gone to a zoo. 7 hours on my feet, though, might be a challenge. ;o) Love the photos - meerkats have to be one of my favorites....

    Have a great weekend! Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin


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