Saturday, July 7, 2012

This 'n That ~

This morning I forced myself to work a little more in the yard before it got just too darned hot.  Tomorrow the heat is supposed to break and temperatures in the low 80's are going to feel mighty fine!

As usual, time is getting away from me.  July is a big birthday month, but did I plan ahead?  NOOOO!!!  I need to get a couple small mats hooked to give as gifts.  Here is the first ~ just a simple eight-point star.  I have a child's chair that I want to paint and I thought this would be perfect for the seat.  It is about 10" round.

Here are the two wools that I used.  Don't you just love textured wools?  They are so forgiving!  When hooked, the blue seems more muted.

Things are not going quite as planned with my Mom's house.  I wanted to have it listed before leaving for rug camp on the 18th.  I've discovered that the A/C does not work and cannot be fixed since the unit is so old and they don't make replacement parts for 40+ year old units.  I've spoken with a Realtor and she says the house will probably not sell without it.  Darn!  It's not like I will get my money back out of it.  I know the real estate market is bad everywhere, but if I could only send the house to California :)  The living room ceiling and walls also must be painted.  My son will do the painting, but it's just too darned hot to paint with no A/C.  Then there's the bathroom.  I definitely need to do a bandaid fix up in there.  The vanity and medicine cabinet SCREAM 1960's and not in a good way :)

Tomorrow is the annual antiques show in Milan, Ohio, birthplace of Thomas A. Edison.  It is a wonderful outdoor show with quality dealers and there is no admission charge!!!  I swear the promoter has sold her soul to the devil because the weather for the most part co-operates.  I don't ever remember them being rained out.  If you are anywhere near Milan, be sure to stop by.  I'm sure you will find something you can't live without :)  Hopefully I will find something, too :)

Pug hugs :)


  1. Have fun at the show. I know you will find something awesome. Your little mat is cute. It will look perfect on a little chair.
    Sorry about all the house issues. Someone might want a fixer upper. Don't lose faith.

  2. Hi Lauren, love the little star mat, so sweet. Good luck with the house, hope all works out for you. I would love to go to the antique show, one of my favorite pastimes,have fun. Blessings Francine.

  3. Beautiful wools to work with and beautiful piece that you made with them. I hope you have fun at the show and find something wonderful.


  4. Hi, Lauren,
    The little star mat turned out so cute...I love how that blue plaid wool hooked up. Sorry that you are having so much trouble selling the house. Could you maybe just paint the vanity and medicine cabinet black? I think a coat of black paint sometimes does wonders.

  5. Hi Lauren,
    I love that little mat.... so simple and sweet and great wool!
    Sorry you have to go through all that to sell your Mom's house. I've heard the market has picked up in some places and there's always the investors looking for fixer uppers. Where are all those crazy people who love the 60's stuff? Must only be on HGTV! LOL!
    Enjoy the show.... hope you find something wonderful!!
    Cathy G

  6. This may sound crazy but your moms house sounds wonderful! Just sounds like it needs a bit of updating and of course an AC. It will sell eventually to someone who thinks its perfect for them :)

  7. Lauren, I just smile every time I come here and see that cute face up there! Anyway I am sorry about your mom's house but I agree with Christina, someone will think it is perfect for them. Love the mat! Enjoy your time tomorrow, can't wait to see what you find!
    Be blessed,

  8. Love that little mat.... the colors are beautiful!
    Good luck with the sale of your mom's house.... it's never easy, but I'm sure you will fix it up nicely and it will sell fast.
    Have fun at the show... thank goodness the weather will be better tomorrow!

  9. Lauren~ Have fun at the show.We're off to market but with the heat I think I won't last long.It's 3:30 am and already hot...Now they are saying tuesday the heat wave will break.Warm Blessings!~Amy

  10. Do show us a picture of the little star mat on it's chair when you're done. I love the textured wools. Hope you find some goodies at the show. Bummer about all the stuff you need to do to the house to get it market ready. Don't you wonder when that became the norm...fix the house up perfectly, then sell it! It's a full time job!
    Have a good weekend.

  11. love the mat!!!!! have fun at the show! denise

  12. WOW Lauren wish I could join you for the Milan show,especially today. That's a GREAT show!! When I used to go,I don't think there was EVER a time that I didn't find a treasure there.

  13. Hi Lauren,

    Hope you find lots of fun goodies at the show...sounds like a great way to spend a Summer day! Love the star mat and boy do I love textured wools...they add so much!
    Hope you are staying cool,

  14. Thanks for showing the wool pieces so we can see how it looks hooked. I always wondered if patterns made it wonky but it's perfect. I'm learning! It hasn't cooled here yet and my GPS gets snarky when it's hot, so Milan might as well be in Italy to me. Stay cool!

  15. Great little mat, Lauren! Love that blue wool ~ it really hooks up much more muted that it looks! As far as the house, I would let the new owner put in the a/c and lower the price ~ you are right that you'll not get yur money back!! Have fun in Milan ~ it is a very nice show!!

  16. Love the star rug super cute!! Hope everything works out for fixing up the house. have fun in Milan!!

  17. The star mat, the textures used and hooking are superb!

    Sorry about the heat pump issue as well as the selling market. My brother and I are having the same issue with trying to sell our mother's house and still have not been able to sell after about 3 years. We keep hoping the market will get better or that someone will come along and buy all four lots with the house on one just to tear down the house and build an apartment complex for summer rentals. But so far no good.

    Have fun at camp and try not to think about issues at home during that time. Take a break from life for a few days.


  18. Have fun and I do so love your hooking. I have that color and I like the contrast of the more neutral color.Hugs Cheri

  19. gosh lauren its been to hot for me too. i picked rasberries with my dad and started at 9 am i told him it should have been 6am.. glad i hadnt washed my hair... i love your little star mat, the aniques show fun! wish i was closer altho i know id find something.. enjoy your evening and hope it does cool a bit tomorrow!

  20. Sweet little mat's screaming for a little chair. Bummer about the house issues. With the markets these days, I'd likely listed it as is, and say, hey, the price reflects the "issues." Crazy what a buyer's market can do to folks though, hey? Wishing you the best with that....Hugs ~ Robin


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