Monday, July 23, 2012

Shaker Village Animals ~

I have so much to share about my first real rug camp, but I am so far behind here at home that I don't have time to organize my thoughts.  Today I'll just share a few of the animals pics that I took.
Don't you just love this bi-color sheep?


This guy was always on the opposite side of the pasture.  

I think he needed his bangs trimmed.

This one was giving me the stink eye.

He (she?) seems to be smiling.

We had heard stories about the bats around the building we were hooking in and one evening at dusk, one of the Village employees moved one of the shutters on the building and there had to be at least 50 or 60 bats behind it.  They started to fly away (really kind of creepy), but I didn't have the camera set properly to take a picture and by the time I was done fiddle-farting to find a good setting, most of them had flown away.

One of the village cats . . .

. . . who decided to visit the hooking room and take a bath in the wool!

I haven't yet unpacked my purchases or had time to even think about hooking.  Well, I'm thinking about it but don't have the time :(  Maybe tomorrow???
Thanks for stopping by.  I am going to bore you to tears with pictures from camp.  The joys of a digital camera :)
Pug hugs :)


  1. I have not met a cat who could resist wool! Sounds like you had a wonderful time and what an incredible setting for a hook-in. Looking forward to seeing your recent purchases and an up-date on your latest creation. Hugs, Julie.

  2. you sound like you had so much fun!
    I can't wait to see more.
    I love the smiling sheep.

  3. love the pictures of the animals...cant wait to see more of your fun time! enjoy your evening

  4. Well fed and happy critters! Go ahead - try to bore us with photos.

  5. So glad you had a great time, and please show us what you were hooking and all of the great pics. I am sure you took. Waiting!!!!

  6. Love that cute little smiling sheep. Can't wait to see the rest of the're not boring me at all!! Glad you had such a great time.



  7. Love the bi-color sheep and the cat that bathes in wool! Looking forward to more pics!

  8. Hello Lauren, what wonderful pictures, loved all the animals. Thats neat about the bats, eat lots of bugs they do. Pretty kitty, can`t wait for more pics, sounds like such a great time,Blessings Francine.

  9. Yes please...more pictures...lots and lots of them!

  10. no such thing as too many photos...glad to hear you had such a great time!

  11. You certainly won't bore us with pictures from camp. Enjoyed your animal photos and glad you had fun.


  12. What a fun set of animal photos. The "stink eye"...ha, that made me laugh.

  13. Love the pics of the animals, especially that bi-colored sheep... what a cutie!! The smiling fella (gal?) is great, as well!
    Looking forward to seeing more pics.... can't be too many for me either!!

  14. Can't wait to see and hear about your camp experience. I'm sure you will be attending more in the future. Donna

  15. What is it with cats and wool? Mine are always spread out on it. Love all the animals, especially the horses (of course). I know a lot of people hate bats, but they are actually beneficial and eat tons of mosquitoes. I once made a bat house to try and attract them here, but never had a single one. There is always a birds nest on top, though. Can't wait to see all your pictures and your purchases.

  16. Well, it sounds perfect - minus the bats. I have the heebie geebies just thinking about that.

  17. Lauren,

    Maybe your DSO was flying over my head today? I hope he had safe travels and enjoying the show... my hubby helps maintain all the equipment the controllers use... he's there until next week yet. OLM

  18. Cuteness.The bats would have freaked me out though.Yikes! ~Amy

  19. Wow....great photos, Lauren! Almost like going to a zoo! Can't get enough sheepy shots.....but the bats - well those you can keep. Yeah, I know - they're good critters, but as far as I'm concerned, out of sight, good for me!! ;o) Can't wait for more.....! Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  20. Love the pics of the animals Lauren. Playing catch up in blogland again. Sounds like you had a good time at camp.



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