Sunday, July 1, 2012

The Calendar Says ~

~ it is July, but I refuse to believe it!  

It has been a busy, "working" weekend.  I finally got the wool room cleaned.  The wool is folded and on shelves or in baskets.  In no way is it organized, but at least it's not in the jumbled piles it was before.  I can't figure out if I swept up more wool dust or pug hair . . . lol!

I found some time to do yard work.  Of course, I chose a couple of the hottest days of the year.  I got the brick patio cleaned and my side porch done.  I think it's about time, don't you?  I also got close to half the flower beds taken care of.  Here in northern we got NONE of the rain but thankfully also none of the damage from storms, either.  Another storm is blowing in as I type and hopefully we will get some rain from this one.  I have been watering so much I am afraid to get my next water bill!

My first black-eyed Susan of the season.  I have these growing EVERYWHERE!

Isn't this a beautiful hydrangea?  When my Mom passed away two years ago my former co-workers sent me this.  I am so happy it is doing well!

Love the bright white of this viburnum.  

For my birthday I had gotten a gift certificate to a garden center.  When I finally got there the other day, I was happy to find they still had "endless summer" hydrangeas.  I am pleased to report that I got them planted today.  

I had planned to finish Henny Penny last weekend, and just got around to pulling the last few loops today.  I need an honest opinion.  On either side of Henny Penny, should I remove those blobs of color and just hook with the reversible black (LOVE that wool!) that I used for the rest of the background?  At this point I don't think I like how it looks.  

I need to get busy and plan my next project because before I know it, it will be time to leave for the Heavens to Betsy hooking retreat at Shaker Village in Kentucky.  I thought I knew what I was going to work on, then changed my mind and I think I'm changing it again! . . . ACK!  Why do I torture myself so?

I also put the binding on Little Dog, a fun pattern from Maria Barton of Star Rug Company.  I just need to give it a light steaming and label it.  Now that I've finished Henny, I still have four rugs to bind . . . sigh!

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. Hi Lauren, your rugs are lovely, you always do such a beautiful job!! Congrats on your wool room, your stash looks amazing!! Glad to hear you got a little gardening in too, hydrangeas are my favorite...mine are not anywhere near to bloom, it has been so cold and rainy here! Would love to share with you if I could!! :)
    Pug Hugs to you!

  2. Your flowers look beautiful and your rugs are adorable!!

  3. If you're not happy with the "blobs" as you call them, change it. You'll always wish you did if you don't. But don't touch those purple feet.

  4. You have been a hooking maniac! You have accomplished a lot and I'm jealous.

    I think you should leave those 'whatever they aare called' things at the left and right just where they are. Seems to me that is helping to frame the piece and think it looks nice. Now I really want to hook my Henny Penny.

    Am definitely jealous you're going to a Betsy hook-in. Am VERY jealous that you get to meet both Erica and Betsy in person and I HAVEN'T.


  5. I'm with Saundra ~ the blobs are part of the pattern ~ embrace their oddness ~ learn to love them!! Did I know you were going to Betsy's retreat or did I just plain forget! Another hooking friend is going the second week ~ Jane is her name. Which week are you going? You will love Shaker Village ~ that's where I first met Betsy ~ at a retreat years ago!!!

  6. Wonderful flowers, wonderful rugs. I always enjoy your photos!

  7. Probably by now the storms that were at my house are close to yours. Hopefully they lose some of the nastiness by the time they get there. High winds caused some power outages. Thankfully we didn't get anything too bad today or this past Friday. I have a friend who will be out of power until Saturday.

    Black eyed susans - my favorite flower. I better water mine!

    Your wool room looks REALLY nice. Can you come organize my basket room? ~Ann

  8. Your wool room is amazing and so are your rugs and flowers.

  9. Love all that wool! Looks like u did get lots done in your room! Good for you! Your flowers are beautiful! I love hydrangas and love them dried too. Love your little rugs and what ever u decide in the chick rug it will be great! Can tell i like decisions huh? Enjoy your monday!

  10. Your wool stash is looking wonderful! LOVE all those flowers... those are my 2 favorites! I think that if the blobs next to henny penny bug you, then you should remove them. The dog rug is great!

  11. Your hydrangeas are gorgeous! They are right up there on my favorite flower list. Love Henny Penny and think she looks great just as she is. Sweet puppy rug!
    Have a great week,

  12. I have wool envy.. I would remove the "things" and just go with the background color.

    Have a great 4th.

  13. I agree with Alice - embrace the blobs. It is a quirky pattern and they add to the effect.
    The hydrangeas are beautiful. I just had a new shrub planted. I should blog a picture of it before I kill it. (It is inevitable)

  14. Lauren, your wool room looks wonderful and your hooked rugs I so enjoy seeing. You are a very talented lady. Hydrangeas are my favorite flowering shrub, especially the blue heads of Endless Summer. Happy Fourth of July to you and your's. Hugs, Julie.

  15. Your wool looks organized to me and everything looks neat.

    Your rugs and flowers are gorgeous too.
    My blue hydrangea bloomed once but since it blooms on last year branches I don't get blossom because I have winter kill every winter because I don't protect it from the harsh cold.

    Happy 4th of July

    Hugs, JB

  16. Lovely chicken rug!!! You did a very nice job. I was looking at my loops on the rug I am working on and my loops are all highly-pigadilly. Your loops look so nice. I like the colors too.
    I love your wool shelves. That is awesome!

  17. Hi Lauren~

    Love your little dog rug & your flowers are just beautiful. My oh my~you sure have a lot of wool.

    Have a wonderful 4th of July~Becky

  18. Holy wool hoarder! Nice "stash" you have brewing there! ;o Gorgeous hydrangeas....they're right up there on my all-time favorites with lilacs, but, alas, they don't do well here - although the one remnant of my past efforts made it through last year's winter and actually is blooming this year. Yea! Great little mats you hooked up. Hmmmm....I'm of no help with the Henny Penny first instinct was to remove them (since you asked), but the more I ponder them, the more fond I become of them. Perhaps they'll grow on you likewise? Yeah - not much for decisions today. Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin


Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog. Your comments are much appreciated :)