Wednesday, June 27, 2012

On with the Show ~

Here are more pictures from Katie's hook-in at Kingwood Center in Mansfield, Ohio.  This is a sampler rug Katie hooked and she also teaches this as a class.  Isn't it spectacular?  I love it but it's way too much detail for me!

Another version of just the center.  I did not get names to go with the rugs.  Sorry :(

LOVE this Santa!

I do know these two rugs were hooked by Heidi of Wool Nuts.

I hope you've enjoyed the show.  In my haste, there were many more rugs that I did not get pics of.
Pug hugs :)


  1. All gorgeous but the tombstone cracked me up ;)

  2. stunning rugs, thanks for sharing.

  3. I love the sampler all great works

  4. love the rugs!!! i've got to learn to hook. denise

  5. Thanks for sharing the rugs you got photos of - my favorite is the log cabin. I was reading Alice's blog earlier, I really missed out not being there. BUT, I was in Battle Creek with Daniel's team and they did win both games. ~Ann

  6. All the rugs are great, but being a lover of old samplers, I particularly love the sampler rug.
    Thanks for the lovely post!

  7. Holy Cow...WOW, thats alot of talent all in one place. Thanks for sharing the pics with us !!!

  8. A wonderful bunch of rugs! I want them all.

  9. I can't get over that sampler rug...amazing! Thanks for the show!

  10. Wow! That sampler one is a goodie! Too much detail for me too... Love that Santa rug!!! And even the little bluebird is so sweet! Thanks for sharing pics!

  11. What a great looking bunch of rugs! I love the Santa and the floral "Jacobean" one...gorgeous! Thanks for sharing.

  12. Lauren, what an amazing array of hooked rugs, they all are wonderful, but that sampler oh my...I would love to attend a hook-in, but the timing is never right. The rain has finally ended and it is time to tend the gardens before the hot steamy weather comes in. Hope you are enjoying this beautiful summer's day, Julie.

  13. I liked the Sampler too, but agree it is too much detail for me to enjoy hooking it.

    Thanks for the show.


  14. Great Rugs I do enjoy looking at those wonderful rugs. In answer to your question about the stitcheries on my last post
    they were by Stacy Nash Liberty sewing pattern. Hugs Cheri

  15. Yikes - how did I get so far behind here??? :o Gorgeous rugs - but, I, too, am LOVING that Santa one that you like. And the ones that look like crewel work are amazing! I'm always intrigued by some hookers' mastery of shading..... TFS! Got figure out how much more I missed.....Robin


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