Wednesday, May 2, 2012

It Wasn't Meant to Be :(

I guess it just wasn't meant to be.  Monday night I spoke with Annie's prospective furever mom and she was all excited and we set up the adoption for May 11 since she was heading out of town this weekend.  First thing Tuesday morning I received an email saying that she and hubby talked it over some more and decided Annie was not the right dog to join their family.  They were afraid Annie's desire for affection would cause jealousy with their two dogs.  I was really bummed for Annie, but better to find out sooner rather than later.  Think good thoughts for this Saturday when we will be heading to another event.
* * * * *
Here are some of the rugs displayed at last Saturday's hook-in in Ann Arbor, MI.

I've made great progress on my antique adaptation.  After agonizing for a few days on how to hook the background (I knew it would be hooked vertically, but did I want blocks of color or more of a hit and miss?) and what colors of wools to use, it is a real no-brainer to hook.  I am hooking it in a 9.5 cut so it's hooking up rather quickly.  I am using 8 or 9 light wools in addition to the few darks.  The colors are much better in person ~ especially the dog!

Happy hump day!
Pug hugs :)


  1. Poor Annie. The right home will come along. Or now she is in good hands with you. Beautiful rugs, but your background beats them all. Loving it more and more.

  2. I'm sorry it didn't work out for little Annie. Those rugs are amazing!! Really enjoyed seeing them.

  3. That is sad about Annie but better now than to traumatize her with another move. Love all the rugs ~ and love yours, too! Maybe we'll see it next week?

  4. you are right better before than after.
    All of those rugs are great.
    your rug is coming right along.

  5. Wonderful rug show and your rug is coming along beautifully.


  6. Aw....... Sorry about your little Annie.... I just know the right furever home will come along soon.... I know she is happy with you, so it's best she didn't leave only to have it not work out for her..... Give her an extra hug and tummy rub from me.... :)

    The rugs are just lovely.... I really like the background you chose for your's!!

    Hope you have a nice Thursday....

  7. Is it wrong that I'll be a wee bit happy to see that one-n-only Annie tongue here a bit more? Ok....sorry for you and for Lil' Annie - but we all know, there is a reason to each rhyme... Praying she finds the "right" furever home soon....

    Love those rugs - hard to choose favorites here, but that sampler one is especially wonderful....Lucky you to see so much inspiration in person....Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  8. Thats to bad she didn't get a home, maybe the right family will come along for her.

  9. Thats to bad she didn't get a home, maybe the right family will come along for her.

  10. Oh I'm bummed for Annie!! But it wasn't meant to be and the right furever home is still out there waiting to find her!!

  11. *****all of the rugs are great...but your's is wonderful...keep going! you are a rughooker with excellent technique and yes, very good color planning skills!!!

  12. Ohhhhhhhhh poor Annie...... but better now than later as you said. I just look at her and feel so bad for her. She's a sweetie. Thanks for the rug show. Love your rug Lauren, it's coming along nicely!! Give that little Annie a hug for me,


  13. Poor Annie. I loved the rugs!Thanks for sharing.hugs cheri

  14. Lauren~ I'm sorry Annie didn't find her forever home..Your rug is coming along nicely.Love the angel and bunny rugs too.Warm Blessings!~Amy

  15. I'm sorry that Annie has suffered rejection but adoption at the moment was not meant to be. Lucky for her that she still has you.

    Thanks for the nice rug show and showing us an update on your rug. It's lovely. Hugs, JB

  16. I'm so sorry for Annie. Her furever home is out there somewhere! Maybe this weekend will be her time. Love seeing all the rugs. Thanks for posting so many for us to enjoy. I love how you are doing the background on your rug Lauren! Looks old and the colors are perfect. Hugs, Lori

  17. Lauren - Thanks for all the rug pictures - I LOVE the background on the one you're working on - will have to try that method myself someday - can't wait to see it all finished.

  18. Lauren, your rug is really looking great. I love those colors you have used.

  19. Love all the rugs! Enjoy the weather! :)

  20. Oh poor Annie, but it could also be poor other pups. Could you convince them to try a day visit and see how that goes? Frankly I think Ben would LOVE to have a play pal with him but I just cannot afford the costs of food, vet and preventive meds for two dogs. I've room for love for two and Ben sure has room for play time with two.

    I'm really liking you mat and again good color choices with your textures for the animals. Ya dun good gurl.


  21. I love your rug! The effect of the background is great! Poor little Annie. I'm feeling for you both!

  22. I tried to comment on the last post, wishing Annie luck, but Blogger wouldn't let me comment. Here's hoping that her forever home is right around the corner. Your rug is coming along beautifully. ~Ann

  23. Hoping for a wonderful home for will happen.

    Gorgeous rug pix...and I LOVE the way your dog rug is turning out...the background is great!!


  24. Love the way your backround is coming out Lauren - My friend Judy Colley was at that hook in - she and her daughter Katie are the ones who ordered your WOOL sterling pieces for the camp in Jax. LOVE that first rug you showed - OMGosh - it is stunning - any idea who the designer was? Hope Annie finds a home soon. Have a great weekend - Mel


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