Thursday, May 10, 2012

Hookin' at the Library ~

I am so fortunate to hook with this talented group of ladies.  Carole's show and tell greeted me when I arrived.  I can't imagine how many rugs she has hooked.  Here are two of her latest. This horse rug was quite large and I failed to take a picture of her finishing technique.  She fringed two ends ~ and it was such a neat finish.  She said the instruction was in Rug Hooking Magazine, probably from late last year.  I guess I need to read my magazine a little better.

I don't think I could have taken a worse picture of the antique chicken rug if I tried.  The colors are wrong, wrong, wrong, but the rug was W.O.N.D.E.R.F.U.L.!!!


Karin (eBay seller PrimitiveSpirits) finished hooking a smaller version of the antique dog and cat rug that I just finished.  Her colors are so soft and old looking.  I love how she hooked the dog vertically.  I believe she will be offering this on eBay so check it out!

Theresa is working on a Magdalena Briner rug.  I love this pattern and it is on my very long to-hook list. I believe she is hooking this in a 6 cut.

Arlene is working on the spiral pad from Karen Kahle's blog.

Carole was starting chair pad #4.

I was about done with my antique dog and cat so went to the closet to find something ~ anything ~ to hook.  I just don't plan ahead very well with hooking last night and a hook-in on Saturday.  It is a Woolley Fox pattern, the smaller Henny Penny.  I am totally stumped on colors.  We'll see how it works out.

Woo hoo!  Tomorrow is POETS day.  Thanks for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. Very nice. I really like that Henny Penny pattern.

  2. Good rug show as always! I have Henny Penny in my stash, too ~ I think it's kind of tricky to color plan. Looks like you have a good start!

  3. Lots of wonderful rugs, love the style of the old rugs.


  4. I saw the directions for the spiral chair pad and would like to try it...there is another piece to add to the list. I enjoyed seeing the rugs. Thank you.

  5. Love all the rugs!! They are all so beautiful!!

  6. Oh my goodness! They are all such beautiful rugs!

  7. You Do hook with a very talented group. Have fun at the hook in and what is poets day?'

  8. Wonderful collection of rugs! I'm off to my guild meeting tomorrow. I'm so excited to be getting "hooked" up with a group of hookers!
    Thanks for sharing these beauties.

  9. Thanks for sharing all these wonderful rugs! What a gorgeous border on the horse rug!

  10. Oh wow, love ALL the rugs. I also have the smaller Henny Penny from WF and haven't started hooking it either. Perhaps you can look on her web site to look at some of the other ways people hooked theirs to get some inspiration.


  11. All are inspiring and wonderful rugs - you all seem to have the same sense and likes in the antique looking rugs!

  12. HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY Lauren.

    Thanks for the nice rug show Lauren. I appreciate you sharing these with us. I love all the colours, even the one that you say that the colors ares wrong. I know that you mean that the camera didn't showed the true colors.

    I'm just getting back to my Childhood Memories rug and hope to get some hoop pulled today.
    Have a great weekend. Hugs, JB

  13. Lovely rugs! That Henny Penny is going to be wonderful when it's finished.

  14. I'm in the same boat Lauren - I don't know what I'm going to take to the Denver Hook-In next weekend - I guess I better get busy and decide! Thanks for all the great pictures!

  15. Henny Penny looks good to me! ~ love a 'lighter' colored hen vs. a darker one...for some reason, I tend to think of roosters as 'darker'??? I know, I'm a bit daft...but...whatever!

    Love that you share with us Lauren...wish I could have come to hook with you! :)

  16. Lauren, It is so neat seeing what everyone is hooking in your group. Love seeing the pictures. Maria

  17. Another great showing Missy Lauren...Love the antique chicken one and your Henny Penny especially well. Ha! I actually KNOW what POETS day is!!! Can't be in the workforce that long and not be familiar with that one.... ;o) Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  18. You are lucky to have a great group. I love the rugs you are all working on.

  19. You are lucky to have a great group. I love the rugs you are all working on.


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