Sunday, April 22, 2012

The Talent of Susan Feller ~

{{ So I sit down to do a post, and I get a message that says "Your browser is no longer supported by blogger.  Some parts may not work and you may experience problems.  If you are having problems, try Google chrome."  Well, on my desktop, I've been trying for what has seemed like an hour to download Google chrome and have finally given up.  I think I was able to install it on the laptop.  We'll see . . . !  I don't know about you, but being almost computer illiterate, I just HATE when they change things.  If it ain't broke, don't fix it.  I don't want new and improved!  OK.  I'll get off my soapbox now :) }}

* * *
Susan Feller, of Ruckman Mill Farm, is a most talented hooker and what a pleasure it was to spend the weekend with her in the beauty of West Virginia.  Here is a sampling of her amazing talent.

I see that my pictures posted to my blog in the opposite order that I downloaded them.  Did that happen to you, too?
Thank you so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. What a wonderful show, so many beautiful rugs and techniques.


  2. I'm with you on the computer updates - grrrrr - they need to speak "english" when telling you what to do too! Great pics of all the rugs - sounds like a fun time.

  3. Amazing rugs...thanks for sharing!
    I don't like change either.

  4. They are all sooo beautiful!! I really loved the trees!!

  5. What eye Candy Lauren. Thanks for sharing them with us. Maria

  6. What great pieces. The detail in the coin design is amazing.

  7. So many wonderful rugs! Love the trees!

  8. so ispiring for sure. I have no idea about what you ask as I too am computer illerate.

  9. Such fun! I love them. What a talent.

  10. Yes... I fear the day blogger decides to completely change to the new format... so far I have been able to stay with the old... the rugs are nice!

  11. It made me switch to chrome about a month ago.I will say since switching no problems.Beautiful rugs.Especially love the Sam Americana one.Warm Blessings!~Amy

  12. Thanks for the delightful rug show. Glad you had a good time in W VA. It looks like you had a delightfully peaceful setting to concentrate on hooking.

  13. I agree with you about liking change - I'm sure they THINK it's going to be better, but I wish they would leave things alone! Thanks for all the pictures - lots of eye candy today!

  14. Wow, she is really talented. There are some really stunning pieces there.
    I agree with you - "new and improved" rarely is.

  15. What an impressive portfolio! Love her fun use of bold colors....she's much braver than I. I think my favorite is that wonderful little thistle-like flower on the lower right of the screen display in the second-to-last photo....What amazing rich colors and such a striking design. Thanks so much for sharing! Happy New Week! Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin (PS - Hope Blogger doesn't do that to me...I'm already running two separate browsers and neither is Google Chrome....Don't make me do a third - something just might blow up!!) ;o)

  16. Lauren, I had that issue several months ago and it was very frustrating indeed. Was finally able to download chrome and eventually figured out how to post on the dang thing.

    Susan Feller is indeed one great hooker. I love the one with empty shell casings for the frame ~ very creative.


  17. Susan's work is delightful and so folky!! It looks like you had a wonderful and inspiring time at the retreat.

    Have a lovely week ahead.
    Warm hugs ~ Jenn

  18. Lauren, I hate it when the blog works fine but some nerd thinks the have to "improve"it and all they do is screw it up!
    Thanks for sending me the Old Age thing again, I have sent it to a number of friends. Have a wonderful week. Eloise says hi to the pugs.

  19. Lauren, I hate it when the blog works fine but some nerd thinks the have to "improve"it and all they do is screw it up!
    Thanks for sending me the Old Age thing again, I have sent it to a number of friends. Have a wonderful week. Eloise says hi to the pugs.

  20. Beautiful rugs!

    I don't know what is up with Blogger these days, but it's getting on my good nerves. I used to have a ton of problems reading blogs with Safari and now I use Google Chrome and don't seem to have any problems (knock on wood)!

  21. What a fabulous collection of rugs!

  22. What an amazing talent Susan is.
    You'll get used to the changes with Blogger. I actually have been using the new interface for several months and I like it a lot. I do have Google Chrome, too. We've always had that, Blogger works much better with all Google products.
    Have a great evening,

  23. What a wonderful array of rugs. Susan is a very talented lady, beautiful collection. I agree, if it ain't broke for goodness sakes leave it along!!!!Hugs, Julie.


Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog. Your comments are much appreciated :)