Monday, March 19, 2012

Welcome Spring ~

Tomorrow it's officially spring, but by our recent temperatures you'd think it's going to be summer.  Our weather in northern Ohio, along with much of the country, has been unseasonably warm and I'm lovin' it!  How funny that when I spoke with my older son last evening who is currently in the Los Angeles area, he was complaining about how chilly it was there.  I think we had him beat by close to twenty degrees.
Since our weather has been so wonderful, I couldn't resist and have been working in the flower gardens.  I don't think I've ever even started in March let alone have gotten it done.  It's a great feeling, but because of that, little crafty stuff was done over the weekend.  I did manage to pull the last few loops on my Magdalena rug and have added it to the growing pile of rugs that need binding.  I guess that's a good thing because it means I am getting things hooked!  I also worked on a little punch needle piece that I can't share with you at this time.

A few of the flowers that are blooming in the yard.

Tonight is the first night of a two session class on how to use my digital camera.  I sure hope I can learn something about all the settings and I'm hoping the instructor can share some insight on how to capture the true colors of a hooked rug.
Happy Monday to you!
Hugs :)


  1. Lovely rug! And flowers! Yes, cold and wet here in CA. Brrrr...

  2. Love how your rug turned out!Beautiful color choices.The flowers are so pretty,I really like the one in the second pic.Have fun at your class.Hugs,Jen

  3. Your rug is great! A Magdalena rug is going on my to do list! Wonderful flowers in your garden...Spring is grand!
    Enjoy your class,

  4. Now I see what you are working on! Love it. How do you prefer to finish them? Your blooms are wonderful...the temps are amazing aren't they? Have fun in your class! Hugs, Lee

  5. The camera class sounds like something I need never thought about it.LoL..Pretty blooms.The rug turned out wonderful love your work.Warm Blessings!~Amy

  6. The flowers were lovely but your rug is magnificent!


  7. Lauren ~ your flowers are gorgeous & I love the rug. I would love to buy one with a horse on it if at all possible. enjoy this gorgeous weather.

  8. Lauren, your rug and flowers are all so beautiful. I can almost smell those hyacinths.

    Isn't that warm weather something else this March. My tulips are poking out today in one of my flower bed.

    Hope you enjoy your digital camera class.

    Take care. Hugs. JB

  9. We are not as far along as you are. we just have little tops peeking out of the soil. Your rug is wonderful. Good luck in the class I am still using a point and shoot some day maybe.

  10. Lauren you rug is wonderful, very nice primitive colors. How lovely to see blooming flowers. Yesterday was simply lovely here, tonight, the wood stove is taking the chill off. Good luck with the photography class, bring a notebook!

  11. Hi Lauren - The only flowers blooming in my yard so far are purple crocus, though I have seen some daffodils down the street. Love your animal rug!

  12. i have some things poking thru in my garden, it wont be long before we get some color! so humid that i even put the air on for a bit. love your finished rug lauren! enjoy your evening!

  13. Beautiful flowers, we won't get any yet but with this heat I think the tulips will be up early. Beautiful rug, always love those types of designs.


  14. I love your rug! But, I'm jealous of your wonderful flowers. I have no garden yet...but I plan to change that this spring! The temps are welcome, but weird!

  15. Wonderful rug! You are going like a ball of fire on your rugs! Pretty flowers - isn't the weather great! I will not complain at all about it! Ooh great thing to ask about the true colors - that seems to be a problem with a lot of cameras

  16. Lauren, LOVE how your rug turned out. You are one fast hooker! This is great Ohio weather isn't it? 5 years ago this past weekend, our daughter and I were snowed in Columbus for the girls high school basketball state tournament. The tournament ended up being cancelled and we couldn't get out of the city! Today we had a record high. Crazy. ~Ann

  17. Happy Spring to you! Your blooming flowers are very pretty. Hope you had fun in your camera class and learned lots.
    Your rug turned out beautiful :)

  18. Those were my thoughts too! I seriously can't remember when the yard was all ready for planting in March! Your Magdalena style rug hooked up nicely!

  19. HAPPY BIRTHDAY dear lauren. I hope that you are treated extra special today. Hugs. JB

  20. great finish on your rug - YGG - OMGosh - your flowers and blooms are just lovely! that black pug in the St Pats costume is hilarious - I think we are running about 15 - 20 degrees above normal and that is so NOT RIGHT for mid March. sure hope this is no indication of an active storm season for our area. Cheers Mel

  21. Love Love the flowers and your rug turned out so nice!!!

  22. Yikes...How did I get this far behind here? So sorry..... Congrats on the fabulous MB finish - I LOVE it!!! And your flowers are so pretty - hope they don't get "nipped" - we're already down to 28 - thankfully nothing is blooming yet, but my tulips and daffys had buds.... Boo Hoo.... I so need a photography class....but, until I take of my "old eyes," I'm not sure it will do much good. I think you take amazing photos sans classes.... Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin


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