Tuesday, January 10, 2012

This 'n That Tuesday ~ ~ ~

I have been very remiss with my thank yous, and I do apologize to my most generous blog readers.
Acorn Hollow Cathy sent me the most wonderful ornament she made.  It is filled with old sheet music and glitter, topped with a rusty cap and star.  So very sweet.

Cyndi from Woolly Lott Rugs sent me this pin cushion.  She did not make it but it is absolutely beautiful.  Now that I have three pin cushions, I think it's the official start of a collection.

The back is as pretty as the front!

Also, big thank yous to Doris (Moments in Time) and Judi and her pug boyz in Florida for their generous donations to Ohio Pug Rescue.  I thank you and the pugs thank you!
Speaking of pugs, I think Annie has gotten rid of her "worms".  She appears to be back to her normal self.  I am now guarding the woolly worms!
* * *
The Christmas decorations are all down and have made it as far as the spare bedroom on the second floor.  Hopefully soon they will be in their rightful place in the attic.  I am in the process of re-decorating.  I am so ready for the house to be back to normal.

This evening I left the house at 5:20 and it was still daylight.  Woo hoo!  The days are getting longer.  Our weather remains unseasonably warm and I am in no way, shape or form complaining!
Thank you to all my followers ~ old and new.  I appreciate you taking the time to read my ramblings!
Pug hugs :)


  1. What sweet gifts. Doesn't it seem like were always putting things away in a home. Hugs cheri

  2. You are welcome. The pincushion is so pretty and to have a donation to pug rescue amazing.

  3. Oh my gosh I can't believe all the Christmas stuff you have!!!

  4. Wonderful gifts Lauren!! And...ahhh...now that you're mostly done at your house, when can I expect you at mine??? And I so disagree - they go down a LOT slower than they go up....And why is it that they never fit back into the boxes they came out of??? Glad to hear Annie is "worm-free" - arghhh. Who'd'a thunk it??? :o) Happy Tomorrow! Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  5. I absolutely love cameos! I've never seen one done with a pin cushion like this, it's wonderful. I love the colors.

  6. Love all the gifts you received. Looks like you have been one busy gal boxing up all the decorations :)

  7. What a pretty pincushion with a cameo in the center. I've never seen one like that before. I'm glad Annie is better.

  8. Hi Lauren,
    Wow, you have two floors to lug your packed away decorations...and i though just getting ours to the basement was a chore! But you go upstairs and then up again to the attic! Hope you have help.

    Goodness this weather - we are in Wisconsin and yesterday it reached 53 (Doug went golfing) and today it is to be the same (Doug is going golfing again!)....tomorrow thought...WE'RE TO GET A SNOW STORM, HIGH WINDS, WHITE OUTS...what's up with this...such a switch.


  9. Wonderful gifts! And, like you, I am happy to see the days getting longer.

  10. Great gifts honey. I am glad you are enjoying the longer days. It is depressing when it gets dark so early.
    Hope all is well with you and that you have a Happy New Year

  11. I've been lagging on my blogging...but I have the colonoscopy to use as an excuse. I love the little gifts you've gotten! Very nice. I took down all the Christmas stuff before I went back to work...otherwise they'd be up until February break! LOL
    Have a great weekend!


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