Friday, December 30, 2011

Victorian Christmas Lights ~

Many bloggers who left comments on my last post were not familiar with Victorian Christmas lights.  I did a google search and found this website to be very informative.  I was under the impression that they were all made in England, but that is not true.  According to the website, they are also American made.  Most of mine were purchased on eBay a number of years ago and the sellers were in England.  I have rarely seen them at antique shows, even the high end ones.  The color red was expensive to make so it is one of the rarer colors and consequently pricier.  I was very happy when I was the winning bidder on a red one.  When lit with a tea light it is so pretty.

Now that I am done hooking presents, I can get back to hooking for me.  Yeah!  I finally took this rug out of the bag a couple of days ago where it has been untouched since the ATHA Biennial in October.  When I pulled the wool out, I was kind of befuddled as to what color was to be hooked where.  Thankfully, I've got part of it figured out.  In the last couple of days, I've hooked the hearts and am starting to hook more on the basket. 
Without the flash it's too dark . . .

. . . and with too bright.

Annie is so afraid she might miss something.  For the most part, she is my shadow.  When she's not near me, she's usually up to no good :)

Pug hugs to all :)


  1. I like the design of this rug, Lauren. Be sure to show us the finish. Annie is so darn cute!
    (I love the teeth showing, she
    always looks like she's laughing)

  2. I'm glad you are back hooking for you. I am in between projects and starting to get "twitchy". I want to just hook anything but instead I'm blog surfing :)
    Annie's looking cute as always.

  3. Love that rug -- looks like it will be a beauty when it is finished!! I look forward to seeing the completed project.....

    Annie is such a sweet little pup... love her little face and the tongue that seems to like to hang out the side..... :)

    Happy New Year!!

  4. Love the new rug! I need to hook something, it's been too long!
    Happy Fur Year!
    Karen & the Hounds

  5. Thanks for the education on Victorian Christmas lights. And, Oh so nice to see what you pulled out of the hat like a majician. Can't wait to see the new hooking project finished. And yes, it will be very nice to sit and relax the next couple days, hook, snack and think about the new year resolutions about not snacking....sigh.

  6. Amazing what a difference the flash makes in the colors of the rug.
    Annie sounds like a kid. If you don't see them or hear them, they are usually into something that they shouldn't be doing. LOL!
    Have a Happy New Year's Eve and best wishes for a great 2012!

  7. Love the rug you are working on.
    Have a Happy New Year.

  8. Lauren, I have never seen nor heard of Victorian lights. Thank you for the information, they are lovely. Do you actually use them? Miss Annie is as cute as ever, looking forward to future rug photos, it is coming along nicely. Happy New Year, Julie.

  9. Lauren...I love that rug..I know the colors are beautiful..these darn camera with flashes and without flashed are a pain...we get the's BEAUTIFUL! I haven't hooked, stitched or anything since November. I have got to get out of my slump! Have a happy New Year...Party Hardy!

  10. I love the beginning of that rug...with the gold hearts! Keep us posted on the progress! I dyed up some wool yesterday, but I still need to dye more. Maybe's raining and cold.
    Have a Happy New Year!

  11. The lights really are very pretty! Glass items are a favorite of mine to collect... through I haven't really seen those around... I'll be looking more closely from now on! lol! Love the rug pattern... and Annie's grin!

  12. Darn! I forgot to get my fairy lights out this year for Christmas. Yours look so pretty lining your windowsill. I may have to just pull them out and copy you by keeping them out all year. They are so pretty.

    Thank you for your friendship and lovely comments this past year. It's a joy!

    Happy New Year wishes to you and your family. See ya next year!!

    Warm hugs,

  13. Oh, oh, oh....I'm so loving this one Lauren. The colors (I'm seeing them inbetween the flash and non-flash exposures) look like they're right up my alley....Arghh...I want hook, punch or stitch SOMETHING! The way it is, I'm feeling guilty and like I'm "stealing time" just blogging a bit.....Employment isn't all it's cracked up to be.... ;o) Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Ooops - that delete was me....Having a wee bit of computer issues these past few days AGAIN! grrrr....Robin


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