Saturday, December 24, 2011

Christmas with Jake~

Last evening we celebrated Christmas with Jake since he will not be with us on Christmas Day.  

To say he got many presents is an understatement!

DSO Fritz got Jake a coonskin hat.  I love it.

I remember the coonskin hat my brother Bill had when he was young, but back then, it was the real thing.  Here he is modeling Jake's.

Jake with his Dad.  Jake was in h-e-a-v-e-n!!!  Dad got him a Nintendo DS (or whatever it is called).  Here they are getting it set up.

Loocie all decked out for Christmas.

Me and my sweetie and the furbabies.

Brother Bill again with his DSO Lyn.

Here's Annie all ready for Christmas.  (Now that is a face only a mother could love!)

Can you tell she was less than thrilled with her hat?

Getting ready to start chewing on it.

Now I have to tell you that Annie must be the smartest dog in the world.  She can read!  She found her present under the tree . . .

. . . and started to open it.  I swear, she is just like a kid.  When she is out of sight and too quiet, I know she is up to no good!  

Thank you so much for stopping by.  I appreciate everyone who takes the time to read my blog.  A big thank you to those who leave a comment.  I have met so many wonderful people through blogging and I hope to meet many more in the new year.
Pug hugs :)


  1. Jake looks like he won the Christmas lottery! I remember when we were kids coonskin caps were the rage because of the Davy Crockett series on Disney.
    Glad you had a nice celebration with the family.

  2. Merry Christmas. I love Jakes hat!
    Looks like lots of gifts and lots of fun.
    It is cold here get so we are snuggled in.
    merry Christmas

  3. Lauren,
    That looks like a wonderful evening. Jake certainly cleaned up with the presents. He is not spoiled, he is loved!
    That coonskin hat is a hoot.
    Merry Christmas xoxo

  4. Looks like fun, Lauren!! He is just the cutest! Merry Merry!

  5. It looks wonderfully festive at your place! Winnie has a holiday collar just like Loocie's. And, Cleo, has a Santa hat and, like Annie, is pretty much NOT enthused about it.

    I, however, think both Cleo and Annie look wonderful.

    Thanks for the peek into your holiday. Jake must have had a great time.

  6. I just love getting a peek at your holiday...and seeing pictures of your family. That Jake looks like he's having the time of his life! I love the father/son photo.
    Have a very Merry Christmas, Lauren!
    Many hugs,

  7. Oh I just love that picture of Jake getting a big ole sloppy Christmas kiss!! Thanks for sharing your wonderful family photos!!

  8. Merry Christmas Lauren - Love the pic of you and Fritz and the furbabies! Jake is too cute! He certainly did hit the jackpot didn't he!

  9. Merry Christmas! I have enjoyed seeing the pugs all year!

  10. Merry Christmas Lauren! I enjoyed all your pics. Zoe has been going after her gifts under the tree for some reason. She must smell something but they are just stuffed toys. We had to blockade them with other gifts so she can't get to them! Tomorrow morning we'll move them and see what she does. Aren't our fur babies funny?! Enjoy your time with loved ones. Hugs, Lori

  11. That coon skin hat certainly brings back memories of my younger years and the gifts the boys my age got since Fess Parker was the hero.

    Lovely home and very cozy. I'm sure your fur babies were most happy with the gifts and not so much for the holiday outfits they had to endure.

    Merry Christmas.


  12. Merry Christmas Lauren.
    I love the coon skin cap. It is so Davey.

  13. Loved seeing your wonderful family pictures. Merry Christmas! Pug hugs to you all! LOve, Dolly & Cher

  14. Awww! Jake looks like he had alot of fun. What wonderful gifts he recieved. My younger son has one of those coon skin hats, also, but it's not the real thing. Fleet farm special, Lol! The pugs are adorable! Merry Christmas to you!

  15. Looks like a warm and cozy scene my friend....but, yikes - gotta say, Jake made a haul and a half! Lucky boy! Love his hat...and love the photo of you and Fritz and the puppies. Your home looks beautiful - and HUGE! ;o) Hope you had enough Fa La La left for Christmas Day! Smiles & Holiday Hugs ~ Robin

  16. I just love the coonskin cap on Jake. Our son had one when he was Jake's age (he also is a redhead) so I'm partial just a bit to redheads!

    Your family looks so sweet! Hope you have enjoyed every minute of the Holidays!


Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog. Your comments are much appreciated :)