Monday, November 14, 2011

To All My Enabling Friends ~

Saturday I killed two birds with one stone, so to speak.  There was an antique/craft show that I wanted to attend and it was just about halfway to the antique shop where I had found the pie safe.  Well, since I was already going to be halfway there, it just made sense to continue south and get the pie safe.  Right?
Since the pie safe would not fit in my little SUV and I thought I was not going to drive back to get it, I did not look it over that carefully.  It is in a little rougher shape than I thought it was, but I love it.  After a good cleaning, it is perfect to hold my wool.  Geez, I didn't realize how much wool I had hiding in the closet.  Probably about 2/3 of this has not yet been washed (and I still have more that is not yet out.  Can you say addiction?)
Here's a picture without a flash . . .

. . . and with a flash.

I really need to sort through the wool and arrange it a little better by color.  Here is my other wool cupboard displaying the hobby horse I got the previous weekend. 

I really did not buy much at the Gathered Treasures show.  There were lots of "prim" goodies, but none came home with me.  I hadn't bought a cookie cutter in years and have bought two in as many weekends.  Also a couple little tart tins and some scrabble tiles.  I just think they are fun.

Some vintage Christmas that I thought was a real bargain ~ $6 for everything.

A punched tin chandelier that will go in the hooking room once I switch the hooking room with the guest room (but first I need to paint so that won't happen for a while).

A big THANK YOU to all my enabling friends for encouraging me to get the pie safe.  You are THE BEST!!!
Pug hugs :)


  1. Lauren, OH MY!!! look at all that wonderful wool! and a pie safe to boot! And many other wonderful treasure's too!!! OLM

  2. Lol. Of course you had to go get it. I understand! But then again, I have a problem - haha.
    I would love to get my hands on that lovely stash of wool!!

  3. Glad to hear you went back and got the pie safe -- which I love and looks fabulous holding your wool!!

    You got a lot of other great goodies -- love the ornaments and the chandelier. The scrabble pieces are really cute, too!

  4. Love the pie safe, Lauren! It looks perfect in your room. Don't feel too bad about not buying much at the show...I bought enough for the both of us! It was a really nice show...but I have to stay away from them...I don't have any will power!

  5. Great pie safe!!...and other goodies too.

  6. Lauren I love everything! I love old cookie cutters and Oh the wools look perfect! It sounds like you had a great day!Cheri

  7. Isn't in good to have friends who remind you to buy what you like? I love that!

  8. I just love it! now you are all organized

  9. I love your pie safe and your enabling friends.... hey, that is what friends are for. Your wool room is looking mighty organized to me. I don't dare take a picture of mine right now as it is quite the mess.

  10. I LOVE your cupboards with wool in them. What great treasures you found! I should of went to the show but, trying not to spend money.LOL!!

  11. Love the pie safe and that wool is beautiful and all organized.
    Love your new treasures you found!

  12. You did good, Lauren!! I'm proud of you for listening to your 'inner voice' ~ or the ones that came from friends!!

  13. Hey - no're welcome! What are friends for after all? LOL - LOVE your new stashing place - and mighty envious of your wonderful hoard. And looks like you found some other lovelies too - I'm so loving that bowl of vintage Christmas....(they say crows go right to that shiny, baubly, stuff ya know....but this crow likes her ol rusty stuff equally well....) And those scrabble tiles are so fun - saw the ones you sent Margie and have been on the hunt - haven't seen any round these parts, but I'll keep looking! Have a great week! Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  14. Lauren~ It's perfect for the wool.Love the hobby horse.Warm Blessings!~Amy

  15. Please come over and organize my wool!! When you come, you can bring the tin chandelier with you I have a perfect spot for it. ~Ann

  16. I'm so glad you went back to get it! It's perfect! I need some cupboards like that myself. I just picked up a couple of cookie cutter this weekend. I love them. You found so many fun things this weekend!

  17. Such awesome goodies!! and we are always happy to enable you!!!

  18. Lauren, I love your wool storage cupboards!! Primitive is wonderful!

    As usual, wonderful finds on your antiquing trips...thanks for sharing.


  19. I'm glad to hear you went back to get the pie safe. It makes a perfect place to store your wool. I like all your other treasures as well.

  20. Hi Lauren~

    So glad you went back for the pie safe. It's fabulous!!

    Have a great night~Becky

  21. Good For You! So glad you got it :) It looks wonderful with all that yummy wool! Enjoy your day! All My Best ~Kimberly

  22. Hi Lauren the pie safe ,so glad you decided to get it ...I am looking also for palce to store my wool ...have not come across anything yet...thanks for sharing...

  23. Lauren - no problem - glad to be of assistance! The pie safe is perfect! Lots and lots of wool! WOW! Loved the chandelier!!!


  24. Lauren, your pie safe looks so nice filled with wool. I'm actually drooling. You have more wool than me. Mine is mostly hidden but I keep adding to it much faster than I can hook.

    I love the bird cookie cutter too.I glad that you took your own counsel and went to get the pie safe.

    Have a great rest of the week. I'm slowly catching up on blogger friends. JB

  25. Wasn't Gathered treasures amazing!!! I loved it! So much to see. I haven't posted my goodies yet but I will soon.

    You got some great treasures! Love that chandelier!!

    Carmen and the Primcats


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