Sunday, November 27, 2011

That'll Do ~

~ Farm, that is.  I'll get to that in a minute :)

Don't get me wrong.  I'm not complaining, but something is just not right.  It is November 27th, I live in northern Ohio, and yesterday I had the door open.  I smelled freshly mowed grass.  (I cut mine, too  - easier than raking.)  Grandson Jake and I were playing outside and he was in short sleeves with no jacket on.  Well, to me it's not quite that warm, but to a 6 year old it is!  I'm lovin' it.  Friday I took Jake and my two great nieces Sophia and Alexis to the lake to search for beach glass.  They are predicting a harsher winter than normal with an over-abundance of snow.  Oh, how I hope the weather-guessers are wrong.
My niece, her hubby and daughters Sophia (age 8) and Alexis (age 5) made their annual Thanksgiving pilgrimage to Ohio from Chicago.  Friday we thought it would be fun to head to That'll Do Farm.  Hooker (and knitter and spinner) Andrea welcomed us and gave us the grand tour.  Here an alpaca . . .

there an alpaca . . .

. . . everywhere an alpaca-paca.  Oh, wait.  Wrong farm.


We got to feed Joey the llama and the goats he protects.

Son J feeding Joey

Jake and Joey

Niece Elise

Alexis feeding the goats

I hope the chickens don't feel too left out. I forgot to get a picture of them. Andrea tried to get Jake to help clean the chicken coup, but he would have nothing to do with it!
If you are ever in the northern Ohio area, be sure to stop by and say hi. If you are a knitter or spinner, you will be in heaven.  Gorgeous, soft wools.  Makes me want to learn to knit ~ in my spare time . . . lol!  It is a fun place to spend an afternoon.
* * *
I found the cutest masks at Dollar Tree (I love that store!) for the kids.

They were glow-in-the-dark.

And just because she is so darned cute ~ Loocie :)  To me she always looks like she's depressed and needs some puppy Prozac.


I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving.  I know I have much to be thankful for.
Pug hugs :)


  1. Lauren, you know my rule about pictures! Shame on you.

  2. what a fun day you had - love all the pics - All Loocie does look sad - tell her to pick up her lip or she will trip on it! Hugs!

  3. Andrea ~
    I didn't tell anyone that was you so I thought I wasn't breaking any rules :)

  4. What a fun day. Cool masks - love that they glow! Hugs for Loocie. Will she smile for treats?

  5. That'll do is right!! What a fun farm trip!! It was that warm here yesterday but cooled off today.

    We are supposed to get a harsh winter. I don't know how it can be any worse than last year with snow so high you couldn't see to pull of the driveway!! I hope they are wrong of OH and MA as well!!

    Thanks so much for stopping by!! HUGS!!

  6. Lauren~ I tried to pull the christmas stuff down on friday but with the warmer temps (60's) I just didn't have the spirit to put up the tree.The temps are supposed to drop to the 40's this week.Then I'll feel a little more and Jake and alpacca's to much cuteness for one post..Warm Blessings!~Amy

  7. Ok...can't resist - could that possibly be the lovely Andrea in the first photo?? Speaking as your unofficial attorney, I do not see any rule infringements here.... ;o) Sounds like a fun day - although Joey seems a wee bit smitten with Elise, no? Glad you're enjoying mild weather - we had mild temps for a few days, but dreary and rainy....and today took a drastic turn towards brrrr....Yikes. Is it over yet???! Awww...poor Loocie - she does look so melancholy.....Wishing you a wonderful week ahead....Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  8. we have already had two snow storms that caused power outage. I am sick of it already. Looks like everyone was having get out and about so much I am very jelous.

  9. Hi Lauren~

    Looks like a fun day for all!! Love the glow in the dark masks.

    Have a lovely evening~Becky

  10. I love those llama's and alpacas! They are so photogenic! As is your entire family!! Glad you are enjoying the warm and balmy weather...... I think some cold may be headed your way!!
    Cathy G

  11. Those are some great pics from out on the farm! The alpaca's always look so curious...

  12. Beautiful pictures! I had a darling schnauzer, Pepper, who always looked like Loocie, but I thought she looked serious, not sad!



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