Friday, October 21, 2011

Wool Heaven!

I'm here at the ATHA biennial in Lancaster, PA.  Talk about a plethora of hookers!  
Before heading to Rebecca Erb's Wool Studio, we decided to make a quick stop at the rug show and to peruse the vendors.
I was so excited to run in to fellow hookers and blog friends.  Perhaps you will recognize the legs to the left.  Here's a hint if you are a blog reader of hers.  It's the first time she's worn shoes in a long time.  She's finally given up her flip-flops!

 Then it was off to the Wool Studio.  Wool heaven!  Hooker's crack, as Kim once called it :)


In addition to Rebecca's wool, there were a number of other vendors set up selling their goods.

This guy was sold!

Here are the hookers who go with the legs.  That's Joanne of Snippets and Scraps and Kathy from Woolfind.  They are just a couple of sweeties!

I have so much more to share . . . the rug show, vendors, and last evening's class with Barbara Carroll, but that will have to be another day.  It's time to "hook" up with another classy lady I've met through blogland ~ Doris from Moments in Time.
Thanks for stopping by!
Pug hugs :)


  1. omg that looks like a wool lovers heaven......I would be in big trouble if I went there!!! takes an act of God to get my outta my flip

  2. I'm back in my flipflops - yesterday was too much for the tootsies! LOL I was so happy to see you yesterday Lauren! Wish I was staying there then we could have "hung" out!

  3. Ooooh, I'm feeling all "stoned" looking at all that hookers crack. Good grief, I would go nuts at a show like that!
    Please give Doris a big hug for me :)

  4. I can't believe it! She's wearing shoes!!! It must have been getting cold in Lancaster.
    Glad you are having a great time. It looks like a hookers dream come true!

  5. Wow....just WOW!!! Thanks Lauren - now I gotta figure out how to get drool off my keyboard. I wouldn't know where to begin - I'd be on sensory overload! Hook? NO WAY!!! I'd be fondling wool and collecting flies in my mouth. Those dimensional pieces and cutouts are amazing! And those rugs! Oh those glorious rugs!!! Don't have to tell you to have fun - I know you're eating it up!! Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  6. oooh thank you for the pictures I am going back to study them so wonderful. and you got to have a class with Barbar Carroll oh you lucky woman. wait a minute I am wiping the drool from my chin I just looked at the wool again. More pictures please!

  7. So jealous...all that wool, great hookers to pal around with, class with Barbara Carroll...Keep us posted with all the details! Have a ball...say hi to the wool gang for us all! (We need some sort of reunion style meet up for all of us in blogland, don't we?)

  8. I am green with envy and DROOLING over all the rugs and wool!!!

    Have fun Lauren!

  9. Ah,ah as soon as you gave the hint, going without flip flop, I recognized Joanne. So nice to have friends like Joanne, Karen and Doris with you at the ATAH.

    I'm just panting looking at all that gorgeous wool and so many hooked articles. Give a big hug to Doris, Joanne and Karen and even yourself from me, lol...
    This is so exciting. I wish that I had lots o Thanks for sharing this little bit of heaven with us. JBf time and money, I'd go to these conventions.

  10. Wow, just amazing. Love those rugs and things, and that painted cubby! Hope you have a fabulous time!

  11. Green with envy, that is what I am. Wool heaven for hookers.

    Hope you share more pictures soon.

  12. Hi Lauren~

    Looks like a fabulous place to be!!!


  13. Lauren, you must have felt like a kid in a candy store!!! Looking forward to future posts, Julie.

  14. you know, I had a funny feeling I knew who those feet were ;) lol.
    You did a great job at covering Rebecca's place. So glad you got pictures, because I didn't!
    Hope you had a great time in Barbs class. Looking forward to seeing updates on that. And sooo good seeing you again!! Safe travels to you on your way home...

  15. Looks like "wool heaven" indeed!! Thanks for sharing your wool adventures with those of us who weren't able to be there. Loved the pictures.

  16. Lauren,

    I was there at the Biennial and missed you! You must have taken this pic of Kathy and Joanne (whom I only met that day) either before or after I was chatting with them. Darn it! time.
    It was a great event...well done. Of course, some wool caught a ride home with me as did a Kris Miller and a Lucille Festa pattern. Hooker's Heaven is right!

  17. Jealousy is such an unproductive emotion - I must keep repeating this!! Love those three dimensional pieces & the painted pieces! Can't wait to see your purchases!!!! Have big fun & thanks for the message from Heather - that was sweet of her!!!

  18. Any gals from California,A couple gals Donna and Karen fellow hooker friends are taking a class.You are so lucky!

  19. Yes, that is heaven, lol.
    Lots of great items, wish I had the time to come down.
    Nice shot of Joanne and Kathy.



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