Monday, October 24, 2011

More ATHA ~

Once again blogger was giving me fits.  I was able to upload a grand total of ONE picture.  I was not going to let blogger get the best of me, so I grabbed my laptop and headed to the nearest Mickey D's to see if the WiFi would make a difference.  Believe it or not, it did, so is it my ISP that is causing problems?  It took much longer than it should have, but I was able to upload more pictures.  It just isn't a post without lots of pictures!  I think I need to find a twelve step program because I am addicted!!!

Here are a few more pictures from Maria Barton's class. 


Hookers hard at work.

Here's Shari who was also in my Barb Carroll class.

We joked that she was one of the class overachievers.  Here is what she accomplished in the class.  Cute!

And here is what the underachiever {me} got done :)

I believe the convention center was called the Eden Resort.  Look at the wonderful fall display at the lobby entrance.  There were actually two of these.

I had the pleasure of meeting Mr. Taylor whose blog is Wool Nuts.  I think he is giving me the stink eye.

For two days I looked for Lee (LeLoops) without success.  Kind of hard when you don't know what she looks like.  Saturday at lunch she just happened to come sit at my lunch table.  I guess it was meant to be :)

This summer I had the pleasure of meeting Doris (Moments in Time) and we made plans to have lunch.  I was so happy that it worked out.  She is the most delightful hooker you could possibly meet!  She gave me the sweetest gifts which included a stained glass "rug hook" to wear as a necklace.  I will show that at a later time.  Annie was very happy with the treats that were included.

Heather Ritchie was signing her book.

I have so much more to share with you if blogger will co-operate.
Thanks for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. Oh, I'm still green...and getting greener....I adore that little pumpkin rug from Maria - I truly love her style....and all the celebs you got to meet...Woo Hoo!! (Your green punkie is adorable by the way....and hey, I like to say that quality takes time, ya know?? I'm a slow, slow, hooker....and I know there are some out there who prefer it that way.... ;o)) Hope you get your Booger - I mean Blogger - issues resolved....would love to see more!! Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  2. Oh Lauren it is so wonderful that you got to meet all of those great hookers. It looks and sounds like you had a wonderful time.

  3. Yeah, I'm like your pumpkin - a little green (with envy). I looks like a great time. I can't wait to see your finished pumpkin.

  4. Those pumpkin mats are so cute! I like your green one.
    Hope you get your picture issues resolved because so far they are great. Love the one of my friend Doris!!!

  5. Lauren, it's so nice of you to post pictures of Lee from LeLoop so now I can remember her better and of dear Doris. It's always nice to see blogger friends on blogs.

    Your pumpkin is great. I love the quilly eyes. I've seen quilly eyes instructions in Rug Hooking magazine by Kris Miller.

    Take care. JB

  6. Those pumpkin mats are darling!
    I love the pictures.Thanks for all your efforts posting.

  7. Lucky you!! What a fun time you must have had!

  8. What a luckly gal you are to be surrounded by such talented ladies. I do hope you are taking lots of photos. BTW, I love the pumpkin mat you are working on. Safe travels, Julie.

  9. Hi Lauren~

    Love that pumpkin rug & can't wait to see your finished version of it.

    Have a great day~Becky


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