Thursday, October 13, 2011

Hookin' at the Library ~

I hate being technologically challenged!  I finally got a new camera and took it last evening to hooking at the library.  I took pics of some amazing rugs and was very pleased when I looked at them on the computer ~ much better than those taken with my old camera.  I started a blog post with LOTS of photos.  They weren’t downloading.  Well, duh!  I had sized the pics about a million mega pixels (or something like that) and they are just too big to load.  I wanted to at least show a picture of Sylvia’s rug.  After more than a half hour, it still would not upload.  There are just not enough adjectives to describe this rug.  It is gorgeous, it is huge, the colors are breathtaking and it looks so old.  Maybe she will bring it next month.  It will probably be done by then.  Karen was hooking some hit and miss stars and hearts, Deanna was hooking the most adorable Santa pillows on some very loose weave linen, Lisa was working on her crow, Carole on her 3D pumpkins and Arlene on the antique reproduction Santa and reindeer rug.  Sorry I can’t show any of those!  I’ll do better next time ~ promise!  I was able to take a pic of the rug I started (after resizing it).   Of course it was time to leave for hooking and I had NOTHING on the linen, so I drew up a little sheep.  How pathetic.  This is all I got done in a couple of hours! (Insert...very embarassed!)   I really need to get busy on Christmas gifts!

Thanks for stopping by. I can’t believe the weekend is almost here again. Time is flying!
Pug hugs : )


  1. Oh, I love the hooked rugs. I've never hooked one, but sure do have respect for you gals that do. Thanks for sharing, and downsize those photos so we can see more;-)

  2. must have been lots of chatting going on for such a little bit of hooking! wish there were other hookers near me...

  3. I envy you so much will all the hooking time with other people such great inspirtation.
    have a great weekend

  4. My digital camera makes pictures that are huge until they are sized down. Unfortunately that takes TIME! Something we would all rather spend on hooking!

    Thanks for the advice on getting my comments to work. I changed it, so hope it's behaving itself.

  5. Gosh, Christmas gifts....I'm way behind. I still have half of a pumpkin in the hoop...I think he's probably rotting by now! LOL
    Have a great weekend!

  6. The rugs all sound wonderful..and good luck with your camera.

  7. You are such a tease! Taunting us with all these beautiful rugs and then not showing us. Heehee, technology is fun, isn't it? I spent a half hour yesterday trying to post a report to the internal network. Must have had a brain fart!

  8. Thanks for trying Lauren. Sometimes I need a kid to show me how to do some of those technical maneuvers.

    It took me a while to feel comfortable with my new camera but I still can't use it like a pro. I need to play with it some more.

    My brain is so foggy lately, I read a blog and before I'm done I can't remember all the details and have to go back and reread it again.

    It's hard to find the time to play and work at the same time. Have a safe and productive weekend. JB

  9. Thanks Lauren for the nice comments, I understand the camera thing i still can't get mine to work, have fun in PA and a safe trip.


    I will bring my rug back to hooking.

  10. Well, the rugs sound amazing - and, hey, you still have the photos, right? - So all you need to do is resize them and show us!! My camera is a 10.1 megapixel, so the photos are ginormous I guess. I have to resize them to use them for almost anything. I've gotten it down to a science pretty much - Just go into paint, pull it up click resize, and then change to 30% and save it with a new name. It's an extra step, but at least photos load when I need them! We'll be waiting..... ;o) Think I'm gonna love your sheepie! Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  11. Hi Lauren,
    I am actually able to leave comments again! Yaaaay! Anyway, come now ... there is no such thing as a pathetic sheep! I'm sure it will be beautiful! And can't wait to see it.
    It's better than what I am doing in class ... well, trying to get out of doing! A geometric! I dislike them ... have now time for that sort of thing ... I was told to color plan it. yeah right!
    Have a wonderful weekend.


Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog. Your comments are much appreciated :)