Thursday, September 1, 2011

Two Down ~

~ and two to go.
I've gotten two of my four hooked pieces bound.  Here's the finished Folky Rabbit by We Three Rug Hooking.  It's about 17" x 25".

I also finished binding this little heart mat I hooked for this antique footstool. 

Wink's birthday present  (SHH!  Don't tell.)

Tomorrow I took a vacation day and I'm heading to southern Ohio to visit my BFF Wink (aka Mary). She is a teacher and will be working, so while she's working, I will head to Waynesville, a town filled with antique shops.  Maybe I'll find a treasure or two that I can't live without {insert big grin}.
The real reason for my trip is to take this galvanized double washtub to her.  She wanted to buy this when we met in the spring, but had no way of getting it home, so I put it in my little SUV.  It's time to get it out of my garage.  (I have enough of my own stuff in there!)  She is going to have a garden shed built and wants to plant flowers in it and put it by the shed.  It has the most wonderful old green paint.

I am one of those people who is scratching my head and is asking what the heck happened to summer.  I just can't believe it is September already.  I am not one who is anxious for fall because of what comes after it!  I would much rather be hot than cold.
Thank you so much for stopping by and I hope everyone has a fun filled weekend planned, whether it is getting together with family and friends or just relaxing by one self.
Pug hugs :)


  1. Hi Lauren, I can just see it filled with flowers. Have a fun weekend with your friend! Cheri

  2. Yay for you!!! You bound your rugs!! Cute rugs, by the way!! Have fun with your friend!! I bought one of those washtubs years ago and it's still at my SIL's shop in amish country ~ I was going to plant flowers in it, too!!!

  3. I love your rugs. I think little mats for stools are so fun. I have two rugs that need to be bound. I really need to stop procrastinating. That washtub is very cool. Have a great trip to visit your friend.

  4. I love your rugs! I had one of those wash tubs I pulled it out of the metal pile at the dump.
    I used it when we had a party I filled it with ice and put soda and water in it. I finally sold it a while ago. It does take up room
    Have fun antiquing!

  5. Lauren, Love the rugs!!! beautiful work!!! and that wash tub!!! LOVE IT! too! OLM

  6. Love the bunny rug.I'm ready for fall but am wondering were the summer went as well.Time just zooms by anymore.Have fun with your girlfriend!~Amy

  7. Oh really cool washtub!! You could drive a bit west and north and drop it off to me if she doesn't want it!!! I too can't figure out where summer went. Will be heading back to Phoenix in a month. Not ready, am enjoying dad's new house here and spending quality time with Mr. Fix-it.

  8. Way to go on finishing your rugs - they look wonderful! You got that wabbit done fast! I'm betting you are off on your adventure having a great time today! Enjoy!

  9. Lauren, hope you have a wonderful trip and a great holiday.

  10. I vote you KEEP that's awesome!! (Better yet, deliver it to me!!) ;o) Congrats on the finishes!! Yea!! There, now don't you feel better?? ;o) They turned out so sweet - wuv your wabbit!! And - wow, really loving that rug under the that hiding somewhere in your older posts??? Have fun - I just know there are things out that are calling your name...Happy Friday - Safe Travels...Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  11. Good for you! Getting 2 bound is a great feeling. Well, I think so anyway, because I usually give up after one :)
    Have a great weekend

  12. Lauren...I am sad to see the summer gone...but so happy this hot weather is going with it! Today and yesterday were miserable! I love the wash tub..I have one as well, but mine is made by "Ideal". I love it and have had several offers from people wanting to buy it. The green paint on your friends is just beautiful. Love your rugs..I'm not a big fan of binding either. Have fun in Waynesville...that is such a nice the Old Glory shops..a little pricey but so fun to safe!

  13. Hi Lauren - Can you tell me how you're going to attach the heart rug to your little stool? I'm trying to decide how to do something similar.

  14. Love your newly bound pieces ~ doesn't it make you feel good when that task is done, and then you can really enjoy the piece. Also love the cat rug your stool is on.

    That was very nice of you to deliver the galvanized tub to your friend. Hope you finds lots of interesting and reasonable treasures when you go treasure seeking.


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