Thursday, September 15, 2011

Pug Wannabe ~

Remember Hopscotch?  She was the pug wannabe that I came to foster just before Christmas 2010.  They thought she was probably a Chihuahua/pug mix (aka chug).

She was quickly adopted and is quite the daredevil.

Meet Luzianne, my foster girl I picked up today.  She was supposed to be Chamomile, but that name had already been taken :)  I will call her Annie.  I think she may be another chug.  She is so much like Hopscotch ~ long legs, long torso, a pointy snout and a very pronounced under bite!  The only difference is that she is twice the size that Hopscotch was.

Giving the stink eye!

No matter what she is, she will be loved and cared for while she waits for her forever home. 
 * * * * *

Last night was hooking at the library.  Some amazing rugs were being hooked.  Unfortunately, I have no pictures to share.  For the second time in less than a week, I did not have my memory card in the camera and have no way to download the pictures to the computer.  GGGRRRRR!!!  I sure do miss my mind!

Thanks so much for stopping by.  I hope your week is off to a good start.
Wannabe pug hugs :)


  1. OMG, Annie really is giving you the stink eye!! Lol. What a charmer.

  2. Oh, I know she will be loved!! Lucky, lucky, Annie....Looks like she might need a day or two to "realize her good fortune!" That skunk eye of hers rivals mine any day!! ;o) Good luck to you - and her!! And, girl, when you find your mind, if mine is laying 'round there too, please forward it on....Thanks much! Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  3. Well I love the stink eye. She has no idea how lucky she is to be with you. You are so kind.
    to help all those little souls.

  4. Annie is a cutie...I hope she finds her forever home soon and has a very happy life!

    I, too, miss my seems to come and go!

  5. I love that one tooth hanging out! What a face!! I hope she finds a new family soon!!

  6. Oh my goodness! Aniie is such a cutie! She's going to keep you and her future forever home's folks smiling!

  7. She's darling! Love the stink eye! Hope Annie finds a good home soon - I know she will respond to your love. Have a wonderful time with her. Hope you have a great weekend.

  8. Ms. Annie is adorable!! I love the snaggle tooth!
    that picture of her giving the stink-eye with her tongue out is hilarious!

  9. Oh Lauren~

    Annie is adorable. Love how she's sticking out that tongue. I know she will find a great home. In the meantime, she will find you to me a wonderful foster mommy.

    Enjoy your day~Becky

  10. that! Very sweet pictures.

  11. Oh my, Lauren, when I saw the tongue sticking out I burst out laughing loud. First the stink eye and then the tongue. Too funny.

    She definitely command that second look. I know that she will be loved no matter what. Wishing for a safe and loving home for her. Bless her little heart... and yours. JB

  12. LOL those pics of Annie are adorable. Especially the one with the tooth hanging out!! I bet she gets adopted quickly!

  13. Annie is a cutie - love that stink-eye photo! She does look tall! Glad hopscotch is doing so well!

  14. Snaggle tooth and all that little face melts my heart! Have a great weekend, Julie.

  15. I think she is could never do the foster thing,I'd want to keep them all.Warm Blessings!~Amy


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