Monday, September 12, 2011

Monday Mumblings ~

Thank you for all your kind comments on my spoon necklaces and key chains.  Ohio Pug Rescue did not set up at Skunkfest because of thunderstorms so I don't how they would have sold.  I may post some on my blog to sell one day.
I did head about an hour south to the fall show at Quailcrest Herb Farm.  It threatened rain, but luckily held off.  Alice's booth was beautiful!  Too bad I forgot to put the memory card in my camera and because the power cord does not work, I know of no way to retrieve the pictures! 
On the way home, I stopped at a couple antique shops.  At the first shop I found this little treasure.  In years past I gave a couple toy machines to my sister, but didn't have one to call my own.  I solved that problem!  I also purchased a little white ironstone soap dish and some silver plate spoons.

At the next shop I found an old sprinkling can.  Now that I have three of them, it's an official collection, right?  I also bought another lidded basket, this time a square pie one, that some day I will hook a top for.  In my dreams, I think.  I now have six of them waiting for hooked tops :)
* * * * *
Does anyone else have this problem?

I swear I'm not sure I could have a clean garage if my life depended on it!  It is the catch-all for all things I should get rid of but don't.  I am in the process of trying to clean it, but usually give up long before it is done and organized. 
Well, so far this month, if wasn't for bad luck I'd have no luck at all.  Last week was my tooth and yesterday my cell phone went belly-up.  I had been having problems a few months ago but it seemed to heal itself so I put it out of my mind.  Of course I wanted an iPhone but really didn't want the added monthly expense.  Anyway, I bit the bullet and got one.  Now I need to learn to do more than answer a call or send a text!!!  (Can you say challenged?)
Many thanks to all my new followers.  I appreciate everyone who takes the time to read my ramblings.
Still no word on my new foster.  I'm sure it won't be too much longer.
Pug hugs :)


  1. Lauren, Your garage looks no messier than my own. Why is it that garages are impossible to keep neat and clean? Desk drawers are another thing that just seem to fill up with clutter.

    You've been finding lots of great little treasures in your antiquing ventures. Thanks for sharing your pix!

  2. Lauren, I do love your spoon necklaces and key chains, very creative. Sounds like you had a very productive outting, did you purchase any new wool? I have so many UFO'S, at times I feel so overwhelmed, where to begin. We here are experiencing some beautiful late summer weaather, to nice to remain indoors. My clutter can wait for those dreary Fall days! Sending hugs from Maine, Julie.

  3. Oh Lauren - wishing you better days - I know where you are coming from girlfriend! Love your necklaces (I was wearing mine yesterday matter of fact) and one woman commented that "Happy Hooker" fit me - now how should i take that? better go ponder that.....

  4. Sometimes things don't always work out the way we plan but your spoon necklaces are so creative that they will sell. Christmas is coming sooner than we realize.

    Lauren, you garage may need organization but so does mine. I always keep too much stuff that I may need or seasonal stuff. Your studio is so neat so it doesn't matter if your garage is a bit at ease. JB

  5. I got an IPhone last week ~ I'm having a hard time linking to my email ~ that makes me crazy. It's a bit of a challenge but if we master it, I think we'll like it a lot!! Let me know how you get along with yours!!

  6. Love the antique toy sewing machine!! I've been wanting one for a very long time. I've seen a few at the flea market...but I haven't found the one yet that says it has to come live with me. LOL... So the hunt continues.
    I have an iphone and I love it!
    Have a great week.

  7. Lauren, I love the little sewing machine. All the pugs look so cute!

  8. I have major messes every where it seems I am cleaning out and getting rid of older stuff we no longer use. UFO's I am the queen of.
    I have a very old fashion cell phone no internet our service is sketchy at best so I am not sure I would want one. congrats on your followers

  9. Love the little sewing machine! It's hysterical how the "feet" on the rug stick out under it!

    I find watching a few episodes of "Hoarders" motivates me to purge and clean! LOLOLOL

  10. Hi Lauren, What makes you think yoour garage is different than mine???? Wait until you see my next posting! I love my hookers neckless and wear it all of the time. I know they will sell. Hope you get a new Pug soon to tell us about. Have a wonderful week.

  11. Mmmmm...lovely antique finds, especially that sweet sewing machine.

    Persevere with your iPhone; I predict you will love it. I am totally addicted to mine and use it often for things other than a phone. It is so much fun!

  12. Woo hoo!! SCORE! LOVE your little sewing machine....Those are so, so, hard for me to resist (then I look at the price tag!) ;o) Problem with me is, I usually can't just have ONE of anything - so, I fear it would just the start of another wicked attraction....But it's been on my list wish for a while....

    And, no - I don't have your garage problem. I've declared the garage to be my hubby's zone - so it's HIS problem, not mine!! Now...the rest of the house is a different matter. I wish I could contain those issues to just the garage!! Yikes....

    Have fun with the iPhone....Another temptation I'm resisting.....

    Happy Tuesday! Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  13. Hi Lauren~

    Love the little sewing machine!!

    Have a wonderful day~Becky

  14. You are going to love the iPhone. Don't worry about your garage - my basement looks worse!


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