Friday, August 12, 2011

For Eema's Fan Club Members ~

Just a quick Eema update :)
* * *
I am happy to report that Mom Dolly
says that Eema hasn't changed any
since I visited a couple of weeks ago.
She likes to twirl herself into the corner drape
and then peek out.
She also likes to plop down close to the floor vent
 when the air is going to cool off that belly ;-)

Tomorrow Jake and I are off to an
Ohio Pug Rescue benefit at the
Candlelight Winery
about an hour and a half east of me.
It is a family event with the emphasis
on the pugs, not the wine.
I'll buy some Pink Pug Wine,
but not drink any until after I get home :)
* * *
Thanks for stopping by!
Pug hugs :)


  1. Have a great day Lauren with the pugs and your cute date!

  2. What a sweet girl. I am so happy that she is doing great in her new forever home. Have a wonderful weekend and hope they raise lots of money tomorrow.

  3. I love the curtain twirl. Have a great date!

  4. Darling picture of Eema! Have a great time at the benefit Lauren. Lori

  5. Thanks for the happy Eema update. Hope you have a great day at the Benefit.

  6. I love the picture of Eema wrapped up in the drapery.
    Have a great day at the winery and with your friends.

  7. Awww, she looks so happy!! Hope you and Jake have fun at the benefit!

  8. Lauren, Love the picture of Eema. Have a great time with Jake at the Pug benefit!!

  9. Curtain twirl, too cute! Great picture. Have a good time with Jake!

  10. Eema is such a sweetie!! Have a great time with Jake today!!


  11. Thanks for the great update, Lauren!! Awwww....she is so sweet...looks just like a calendar girl to me!! And, behave yourself with that handsome escort of yours!! Hope he doesn't steal all the ladies' hearts! Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  12. Tamera @ Stone Fence Cottage says:
    AWWWWW--Ms. Eema certainly is a "ham", isn't she?? After all, she is a "celebrity pug"-soon to be gracing a calender! I'm so thankful she is doing well!!!
    Have fun at the winery!!

  13. Oh, she is soooo cute! I'm so glad you keep posting updates.
    Hope the Pug Rescue event is a success.


Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog. Your comments are much appreciated :)