Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Lake Erie Beach Glass ~

It amazes me the things I take for granted.  I have lived my entire life within five miles of Lake Erie.  As a child, I do not ever remember visiting the lake.  When I was about 13, I remember spending the afternoon at the beach with a friend and her family.  Even when my boys were growing up, we did not take advantage of the beautiful lakefront. 
For the last 11 years, I have lived two blocks from the lake, and still do not spend nearly enough time enjoying its beauty.  This year I hope will be different.
Memorial Day evening, my grandson Jake wanted to go to the beach.  The water is probably no more than 60 degrees, and even though the temperature was near 90, when I put my feet in the water I was ready to turn around and go home.  Jake found the water to be cold, but being 6 years old, went about fifteen feet from the water and just ran in.  After a while, it really felt refreshing.

I had never searched for beach glass, but Jake took me to an area of the beach he had been with his dad the evening before and began his search.  Within about 10 minutes, we had found these pieces.  I'm hoping to search on a regular basis and find some bigger shards.

Today was my lucky day!  I won some wool from Teri over at White Sheep Farm.  A hooker can never have too much wool :)  Kim was a lucky winner, too!

I just love this picture of Mo!!!  Today we had the vet visit from hell.  How can a veterinary office not be able to process a fecal exam or give the results of a heartworm test during the office visit???  Those are pretty standard tests at a vet office.  I think they set a new level of incompetence!

And on top of that, I've just discovered that my new central A/C unit is not working.  Luckily I went with a very reputable local company when I had it installed and will give them a call first thing in the morning.
I hope everyone is having a better day than I am (other than my give~away win!).
Thank you so much for stopping by (and listening to me whine!).
Pug hugs :)


  1. Lauren,Jake looks like he is having fun,I never saw beach glass. Take heart the day is almost over.

  2. well jake looks like he doesn't care if its cold. kind of like our beach water all the time about 60 I have a jar of beach glass that my mother collected over the years at the beach near her house. congrats on the win. and thank you so much for the card it made my day. email to follow.

  3. I love Lake Erie! I was only there once, about 4 years ago, when I did the Presque Isle craft show. I hope to do it again and spend a few extra days enjoying the lake! Never heard of the beach glass..... looks very interesting!

  4. I've never heard of beach glass either ~ but what a fun find. Ahhh...don't fret about fretful days or missed opportunities; just rub Jake's little red head for luck and enjoy looking at life through his eyes for a while....what a wonderful gift. (But I certainly agree - if there was a vet in the house, the fecal exam should have taken 2 minutes or less....what's up with that?) Have a happier than normal day tomorrow friend! Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  5. I'm about 45 min from Lake Erie about 20 min from Lake Ontario....love beach glass.

  6. I grew up near the ocean and beach glass is a favorite of mine. Aren't kids amazing? Our ocean water is icy cold here in New England, yet the kids will stay in for hours. At my school, we take all of our students K-8 to the beach every year in June. (Crazy, I know!) But, every kid jumps right in, even if we have a cold day there!
    Congrats on the win!

  7. Hi Lauren~

    Jake looks likes he's having a blast. I think he was having too much fun to get cold. I love the look of beach glass. We live about 30 minutes from Lake Michigan, but don't get there too often. Congrats on your win from Teri. I did a little cheer for you when I saw you won.

    Have a wonderful day~Becky

  8. Hi Lauren - Your experience with your lake reminds me of here! There are people who have lived their entire lives nearby, but have never gone to the Great Salt Lake! No beach glass to be found there though - yours will look pretty displayed in a bowl when you gather more of it! Congrats on winning wool - FREE WOOL? Life is good! LOL

  9. Lauren, Looks Like Jake was having a blast in that FREEZIN water! oh to be a child again!
    Congrats on your win too!!! OLM

  10. You know, I think that we take a lot for granted. I don't spend much time at the lakes either even though they are so close. And I've never thought to look for beach glass.

    BTW, do you ever come up here for the Wool Festival at Bruce Farms. I saw it advertised and wondered if you ever came up for it.

  11. Ha, I saw your post title on Courtney's Sassafras and Winterberry and being from Ohio I had to come see what you were saying about Lake Erie...spent all my summers at Nugent's Canal and Lake Erie as well as Cedar Point!
    Yeah, I bet the lake is sooo cold right now, good for your grandson for braving it!

  12. Sorry that you are having a bad day Lauren. We all get one of those once in a while.

    I love your beach glass. Are you thinking of making something out of it?

    I hope that Mo is settling down and is behaving well at your house. Lets hope that you will get herr results very soon. You're a good mama. JB

  13. I hope that is not your regular vet!?!?! I'd be ticked! Mo looks adorable and very happy. And that Jake, what a doll. I love the beach glass you found!!!

  14. Oh to be a kid again, Jake appears to be having a wonderful time. Growing up on an island I have always collected beach glass and pottery, but I have to admit It never occured to me that you could find it at a lake. Congrats on your win, I agree you can never have to much wool! Love your pugs, Julie.

  15. Jake looked like he was having a blast. Love his red hair.
    Beach glass would be so fun to look for. I bet you have a new hobby.
    Hope your air is easily and cheaply fixed, I would panic if our quit. I hate hot weather.


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