Thursday, May 26, 2011

Add Me to the List...

. . . of bloggers who can't leave comments.
I'm still reading your blogs, dear friends,
I just can't comment.
I know Robin came up with a fix,
but I've not tried it.
I am hoping Blogger will soon fix it soon!
* * * * *
A few blooms in the yard . . .

Gotta run. 
Goin' hookin'.
Thanks for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. Lauren, This is what I did to be able to leave comments... What a mess... I could not find a way to even contact blogger!
    I went in to control panel on my computer, deleted my tempory files/cookie info, rebooted my computer, since then keep your fingers crossed, I have been able to leave comments.. So that is my suggestion. Good luck!!! OLM

  2. Blooms are great. I don't think I'm having a problem...but let's find out. Love that little grandboy of yours!

  3. Lauren, your blooms are gorgeous. Have a safe and wonderful Holiday weekend.

  4. I hope you can get the comments problem fixed soon! We need your voice in blog land! Have fun at the hook-in and have a nice Memorial Day!
    Cathy G

  5. Lauren, I just hope that Blogger gets this figured out soon, I miss your comments. Blogland hasn't been the same with people not able to leave comments.

    Your blooms are gorgeous and your grand son is adorable. Thanks for sharing those pictures with us and enjoy your hook in. Have a safe Memorial Day. Hugs, JB

  6. Phlox, poppies, and irises - OH MY!! Gorgeous! Love that little red-headed flower-sniffer!! How precious! Smiles & Hugs....Robin (PS - I've heard from others that deleting your cookies and clearing your cache (Geesh - did I ever think THAT would come out of MY mouth?!) as OLM suggests has worked for didn't for me - so I went the "different web browser" option. FYI - I added a link for FireFox on my original "fix" post if you want to try it....) GOOD LUCK - 'cuz we miss you!!!

  7. Blogger has been a pain in the you-know-where for the past couple of weeks. I still am having all kinds of problems from commenting, to my wireless going out. I tried deleting my cookies and clearing out my cache, but it still hasn't helped. It also made me realize that my user name and password was not the same for all the sites I visit. UGH!

  8. Thanks to Blogger I have lost my followers! Lovely flower photos, and what a sweet strawberry haired boy! Lets hope Blogger's issues are fixed soon! Hugs, Julie.

  9. Hi Lauren~

    Hoping blogger fixes the comment thing soon.

    Love the pics!!

    Have fun hookin~Becky

  10. Your blooms are looking beautiful! I had trouble leaving comments the other day too! Frustrating!

  11. Love the flowers and Jake's red hair!!!

  12. Well, I am trying to find a new way to comment. Oh when is blogger going to be working? Here goes
    I love your flowers! As always I enjoy your blog.

  13. Hi Lauren, Here is a temporary fix to being able to comment
    type your comment
    At Comment as select profile
    type your name in
    copy paste your blog site
    just include your blog name because it won't show up.Also go to preview to have it post. I hope this helps you be able to comment.cheri back to larkrise

  14. I see we just got our followers back so this is a test to see if commenting is working again.
    Guess not! But now i am trying the suggestion Cheri had.

  15. Oh your flowers are so pretty! Love all of the beautiful colors!


Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog. Your comments are much appreciated :)