Thursday, April 7, 2011

Maggie B and a Give~Away ~

I did something this evening I've never done before.  I came home from work determined to spend a couple hours hooking.  I was on a mission ~ to complete my Maggie B rug this evening.  My goal was to get it hooked the month of March.  Well . . . I didn't start the rug until March 9.  I wanted to get the hooking done within a month's time and voila!  I did it.  I really am pleased with the results, but this is a TERRIBLE picture.  Hopefully I can get a better one at a later date.  I normally hook small mats so this is actually the third largest rug I've hooked to date.  I really enjoyed hooking this one.
On to the give~away.  I've got two little needle punch bunny mats that I made last year.  The winner gets her/his choice.  Maybe if I get a few new followers, I will give them both away. {HINT!  HINT!}

As always, the rules are pretty simple.
  • leave a comment on this post or drop me an email with give~away in the subject line
  • you don't need to be a follower but I'd love it if you were
  • the winner will be chosen some time after 6 pm on Sunday the 10th
  • you are welcome to post this on your blog, but you don't get any extra "points" for doing so :)

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Saturday I am heading down to Alice's for a proddy class.  I've never taken a hooking class so should be a fun day.

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I often get questions about the vintage holiday postcards on my posts.  No, I don't have a collection of them.  They are on a CD I bought years ago on eBay.

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Thank you so much for stopping by and I hope you will come again soon.
Pug hugs :)


  1. Hi Lauren,
    I am one of your followers and love visiting your blog. Your Maggie B rug is gorgeous! I have been wanting to try hooking but just have not broken down to getting the tools to do so. Maybe one day, sigh..... Please enter me in your lovely giveaway, the punch needle bunny matts are adorable! I have done a few of the punch needles for myself. I bought kits and had fun doing them. Keep up the great work and thank you for sharing not only your passion for hooking but your passion in providing support for pugs, as I am a dog lover too. Just wish I had room to give all the dogs I see in the spca a good home.
    Many blessings to you,

  2. Hi Lauren, How nice sign me up for the give away . Your blog is wonderful I love looking at what everyone is working on. Pugs are cute. Cheri

  3. Wow Lauren!
    You did very well finishing your Maggie B rug in that amount of time!
    It looks wonderful! Where are you going to display it now?
    I would love to win that sweet bunny punch needle! Count me in!
    Cathy G

  4. Hi Lauren - I love your new hooking project...and the bunnies are so cute! Please include me in the drawing for your sweet bunny mat.
    I love looking at all your work - you do such a lovely job!

  5. Lauren~

    Love your Maggie B rug & those little bunny punch needle mats. You know I'm a bunny girl, so I would love one of them. But, since I won that wonderful heart rug from you, I will leave the winning to another lucky follower. Have a wonderful time at your hooking class.

    Have a good night~Becky

  6. Hi Lauren, I'll pass on this give away, just because I won your last give away and I want others to have a chance at winning. I actually took it with me in Nova Scotia at the retreat but worked on my Childhood Memories rug instead, which is taking for ever because I didn't had the right sky color. I found some at Deane Fitzpatrick's studio and bought all her sky wool.

    If you don't mind someone winning a second time, then go ahead and enter me in your give away please. JB

  7. Howdy from Texas! Love your blog. Especially the dogs. They give great companionship as we hook. Please enter me in your give away.

    God Bless you

  8. Wonderful job on your rug!Its gorgeous!have fun at your hookin class(that sounds so funny lol)I luv the bunny mats and would love to be entered.have a great night blessings michelle

  9. I would love to win either won, both are wonferful.

  10. Those are way too cute!! I think I'd like to try punching one day. Maybe when my life slows down a bit!!

  11. Sign me up for the giveaway. Everyone can use a cute little rabbit in their life! Have fun at your class.

  12. Oh your rug came out so beautifully. It's so antique looking. I love those muted greens with the pop of red! Your giveaway bunnies are too cute...sign me up!

  13. Hi lauren don't put me in for the giveaway I would love a mat but I won the fall one so give someone else my chance. I love your Maggie B rug. good going girl. Have a great weenend.

  14. Hi Lauren, I also hooked this Maggie B pattern with her at a camp. It is one of my favorite rugs I have hooked. Not sure why as it is so simple, but it speaks to me. I would love to win one of your bunnies!

    P.S. I am a new follower

  15. Great job finishing the Maggie B rug. It looks great. And now you can't say you are the worlds slowest hooker because you finished it in a month!
    I always wondered where you got all the vintage cards for your posts.
    A proddy class with Alice....I'm a little jealous (no, a lot jealous) Have fun and say hi for me.

  16. Congrats on meeting your goal Lauren, nice finish, the drabbier they are the more I like 'em:)

  17. Good morning. Please include me in the give away. Thank you and have a good weekend! Lee/WV

  18. Hi Lauren.......I would love to be entered in your give away. those are both so cute!
    GUESS WHAT? I am going to Alice's class too!
    It will be fun to get to meet you. Why don't you bring some of your stuff for show and tell,
    I am so excited to finally get some instruction on rug hooking.
    See you Saturday.

  19. Lauren, Love your Maggie Pie hook rug... I am so loving hook rugs... I really need to give it a better try!!
    The penny rugs. LOVE them so of course I would love to be entered in your giveaway! OLM

  20. Lauren, those bunnie mats are so cute! I would love to win one!!

  21. Your rug turned out fantastic! And makes me wish that I was doing some hooking right now. I really like it.

    And I'd love to be entered into your giveaway - since I'm such a slacker and probably wouldn't do something like that for myself.

  22. Hi Lauren:

    Oh, goody, I'll get to meet you in person tomorrow at Alice's! Love reading your blog and admire your commitment to pug fostering.
    Please enter me in your give-away.
    Looking forward to meeting you tomorrow.

  23. Lauren, love the little mats. So well done. I also have wondered about the cards. At one time I had a collection of them but they got lost in a move. Keep putting them on your blog they as so wonderful to see.

  24. Lauren, I forgot to say register me for your give away!!!!

  25. PLease sign me up for this wonderful giveaway!
    I am a follower and would love this chance to win.
    Thanks for sharing~

  26. They are beautiful.I've been a follower and would love a chance at either one.Always enjoy ny visits.Warm Blessings!~Amy

  27. Lauren, I've been following your blog since I met you a few years ago and I just realized that I never became a follower! Well, I changed that today. Love your give a way bunnies, please put my name in the hat, I would love to have one, hope to see you soon.

  28. I love the candle mats, please enter me to win them.thanks and love to the pugs

  29. Would love to be entered into your drawing, even though like Julia, I have won a piece of yours in the past. I look at the other punch needle all the time. It's on my hutch. You do beautiful work.
    Just how big was the hooked piece you did? It's wonderful!!! Congrat's on finishing it. You starting a new one soon?

  30. Hey Lauren
    These are too cute!
    Please sign me up for your giveaway!

    LOVE the Maggi B rug too! You did a great job on it.

    Hey...mind if I ask you a question? Do you do traditional hooking or do you use an Oxford punch? I only ask as I have only done traditional hooking but am wondering if oxford punch gives same results quicker.


  31. Gorgeous rug there that you just finished - I understand how the pic taking is and how much better they look in person but this looks great already! What a generous give-away!

  32. Hey Lauren Girl!
    Great job on the Maggie B rug - you rock! (Wanna finish some of my UFO's???) Anywhohow - please enter me in your wonderful giveaway. Yes, I punch; yes, I could probably try my hand at punching something like your little mats; but, no - it wouldn't look like yours, and no, it wouldn't mean the same. Cuz it wouldn't be from you!!! Hugs & Smiles ~ Robin

  33. Hey Lauren,
    Wish I could join you on your excursion. Please enter me in your giveaway. I have never done punch needle. I have enough problems with my big hook.

    Ta' for now,

  34. Your rug is beautiful! And I also love the precious Easter clip art you're using! I'm a follower and I would love a chance to win a cute bunny! Thank you for a lovely giveaway!


Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog. Your comments are much appreciated :)