Saturday, March 12, 2011

Spring Snow ~

Yesterday ~
we woke to a winter wonderland.
I am not a "winter" person,
but I love March snowstorms.
The snow is so wet and heavy
and clings to every twig and branch.
The best part is
we get to enjoy the beauty
for a day or two ~
and then it melts away :)
These pics are from my yard . . .
. . . and down the street.

Only 8 more days until spring!

Pug hugs :)


  1. Now that is one beautiful, sticky snow! How beautiful! I think we're done with snow here, but in Missouri you never really know for sure!

  2. That's the kind of storm that likes to break branches! Hope none of your trees have leafed out yet to cause that problem! We had 6" of fresh a week ago, but it's gone now. I'm sure there will be more before winter is totally done. Sure makes things look pretty, huh?

  3. Those pictures are so pretty. I like the heavy snow and so do the kids for making snowmen. One good thing about a snow in March is that it won't be around for long!! I'm counting down the days until Spring. I can't wait for it!

  4. Hi Lauren,
    It's beautiful, but let's not have any more!!!
    Speaking of March snows-
    My son was born March 21st (first day of Spring) in 1970. I had a C-section birth and got an infection so had to stay in the hospital for almost a week. The day we brought him home, we drove in a blizzard!!!
    No it didn't last long, but it sure was a mess getting home.

  5. Awww I love snow anytime! Your snow pictures are very pretty....but hope your spring time comes soon!

  6. Such pretty pictures Lauren! Cold, rainy and dreary here...I'm counting the days too!


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