Monday, February 14, 2011

So Close ~ ~ ~

I hope everyone had a sweet treat
of some type today.
I am close...
very close.
I only have this small area left
to hook on my rug
and the center to fill in on that
"blob" above it. 
The area is about
6 1/2 x 5 1/4.
For whatever reason,
this rug has just given me fits.
I had help with color planning
but when the time came to hook
everything suggested
was gone from my memory
{even though I had taken pictures!).
I still am not wild
about some of my color choices,
but I WILL learn to love accept them.
 Since today is the day
one thinks of red,
I will share my favorite
redhead with you.
I can't believe he will be six
next month.
He has changed so much
since he started kindergarten.

Today was also a lucky day for me.
I won a give~away from Mona
I won the most wonderful
primitive angel.
Thank you so much, Mona!

Thank you so much for stopping by!
Pug hugs :)


  1. Hi Lauren! Jake is just so cute! Hope you had a great Heart Day!!

  2. Happy Day to you too! Jake is s cutie whose growing up quick! Way to go on your win!

  3. Way to go with the giveaway! But I think the prize is your little redhead. He is a honey!

  4. Happy Valentine day Lauren. What a cute little guy. He will grow up so fast.
    I have't hooked in so long, I'm afraid that I'm getting way behind, and it's nice seeing others getting their rugs done. JB

  5. I absolutely love little redheaded children! They are so cute. He looks like he could be an ornery one!
    Congrats on your win!

  6. I'm waiting to see the whole rug! Colors are such a personal thing on a rug and I've had some that just had to grow on me too!
    Jake IS growing up fast! Such a sweetheart and a perfect little Valentine! Hope you had a wonderful day together!
    Cathy G

  7. I am curious to see the whole rug as well! Simply don't count on me for color advice! ;-) LOL From what I can see, it looks great. Jake is darling! Congrats on the giveaway!

  8. Way to go Lauren! I knew you could do it. You were rewarded for working on the rug from he## by winning an angel.

  9. Well that Jake is just a cutie. Look our girls when he gets older. and congratulations on the give away. You go girl on that rug! yeha it is good to finish. I pulled the last loop on my large rug last night. tonight I steam and try to start to bind.

  10. I'd love to see that rug as a whole picture - but maybe if I scroll back to other posts it will be there...I can't remember if I saw it aways back.

    LOVE THAT LITTLE RED HEAD...oh he's just precious!


  11. I think your rug is coming along nicely. That lil' redhead is sure a cutie and he looks just as handsome as can be.


Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog. Your comments are much appreciated :)