Thursday, February 10, 2011

Rug Label Dilemma ~

I was inspired by Alice at Folk Art Primitives to label a couple of my rugs.  When I make a square or rectangular rug, I just use a marker and write on the binding, but with a round or oval shape, that is out of the question.  I have used the printable fabric in the past, but this time decided I would try ironing weaver's cloth on freezer paper and running that through the printer.  I don't have the beautiful penmanship that Alice has, so I just used a font I like.  I was very impressed how easy it was and how nicely the fabric printed.
But then I accidentally got some water drops on it and it ran.
The next time I tried spraying the fabric with a matte spray, but when I got it wet it still ran a bit.
I ended up using the printable fabric which does not run.
Has anyone used this method of printing labels on their own fabric and not had it run?  Any advice you can give me would be most welcome!
I hope everyone is staying warm.  We are supposed to get in the 30's in a couple of days.  It's going to feel like a heat wave!
Pug hugs :)


  1. Lauren~

    Did you try setting the ink with a hot iron? Not sure if it will work, but it's worth a try.


  2. Lauren, I love your rug label. I haven't labeled any rugs yet and this is very useful to know. JB

  3. Hi Lauren,
    Glad you brought this up! I've only labelled a few rugs and most of the tags I embroidered and didn't like them.
    I was thinking of trying to put freezer paper on top and ironing it with a hot iron in hopes that some of the wax would come off and make it waterproof. Don't know if that would work or not.
    So I am interested to hear what others have tried.

  4. I look forward to hearing from an expert about the best way to print these labels - thanks for bringing it up!

  5. I haven't labeled a rug yet and I don't like that but have never figured out the best way to do it. Hope others will reply to this post so we can all learn something.

  6. I have not tried this yet. I am bad about putting labels on my rugs some but not all. I usually use the laundry marker on a piece of muslin then sew it to the back.
    We are looking for that heat wave it is cold here.

  7. I haven't labeled a rug yet either. Thanks for bringing up this topic. I'll ask the techies in my school if there are other ways to print on fabric and not have the ink run.

  8. I haven't tried this but I have the fabric to do it with...just afraid my Printer will take a dive if I try it.

  9. missed your last post - such cute photos of "midge" in her new home - love that name - such a good fit for her and the cat looking at her like "what planet did you come from" is so classic !
    I've not got around to labeling any rugs yet - I need to - there is a woman in our rug guild who monograms the rug binding tape with her embroidery machine - personalizing any way you want it done - I've seen several and they are very nice. I also have some labels I purchased at various rug camps that you just fill in your name, pattern name, completion date and so forth but I have not used them yet. enjoy your weekend and the incoming heat wave ! Mel

  10. There is this stuff called Bubble Jet Set---google and you can find sources for it. You soak your fabric in it and it makes the ink waterproof. AWESOME for printing vintage photo's and such for pillows!


Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog. Your comments are much appreciated :)