Monday, January 24, 2011

Monday Mumblings ~

Welcome everyone. Thank you for stopping by on this cold winter Monday.
I thought I was doing so well completing my January goals, when I suddenly realized that February is next week! If I have a productive week, I just may make it. If not, oh well, oh hell!
It shouldn't take me much longer to finish this little mat. I was asked to hook this for a fellow Ohio Pug Rescue member a year and a half ago. She said she was in no hurry to get it. Obviously that was the wrong thing to say to me. She's probably given up on ever getting it :)
I purchased a $4 single flat sheet at Walmart to try my hand at a toothbrush rug. By the third row I was finally getting the hang of it, but I'm having a problem with curling. I'm guessing it's because the tension was not even on the beginning row. The start is very awkward. I'm sure this is one of those crafts that once you know what you are doing, it would be very easy and mindless to do. I purchased a couple of patterns ~ one for a rectangular and one for an oval rug. I don't think the instructions are very well written. Luckily I found a couple free instruction videos on the Internet. I found them much more helpful than the written instructions, so if you ever decide to give it a try, don't waste your money buying a pattern.
I got an email from Hopscotch's new mom after her first night there. All was going well and I hope it still is! It is very quiet around here. I must say I do not miss walking a puppy at 6am in single digit temperatures!
Stay warm.
Pug hugs :)


  1. Hmmm, I'll have to google toothbrush rugs. Looks interesting. Is that wool or cotton?

  2. I too have never heard of this. Looks like I am off to google. You always amaze me you have always have a couple of projects going. I have all I can do to have one going at a time.

  3. Heard of toothbrush rugs but never did one. Looking good though! You are too funny - "wrong thing to say to me" You crack me up! I know you can do it!

  4. I, too, need to google a toothbrush rug. Sounds interesting. Is flossing involved? :-)
    My Grammy used to crochet rugs, it looks a bit like your picture.
    Stay warm.

  5. My grandma used to make crocheted rugs also and yes, they looked very much like that. Interesting! I'll have to check out the videos. I remember when she tried to teach me how to crochet the rugs I had a problem with them not lying flat enough.
    Glad your little She-devil has found a good home and all is going well so far. Guess she hasn't been out without a leash! Haha!!!
    Horay for no cold walks outside!!!

  6. Like the rug you are hooking and the toothbrush rug. At least we've had a warm up in Ohio LOL!!

  7. So glad Hopscotch found a happy home and glad you don't have to go outside for those frosty walks!! Cute little pug rug ~ I've heard of toothbrush rugs but didn't really know what it was! Good luck with it!

  8. Hmm-i have a toothbrush hook and directions to make a rug--maybe I need to get them I NEED another project started!!

    I'm glad Hopscotch is so happy in her new forever home--she sure was a cutie-patooty!!

  9. Good morning Lauren,
    I'm so happy Hopscotch is happy - I guess it just goes that if someone loves the dog enough to adopt it then it's going to have a wonderful home and how could it not be happy! I'ts a win-win.

    Your prpoject for a customer looks great - see you take your time getting things done too...LOL

    Now I don't know about everyone else but you have my interest piqued with a TOOTHBRUSH RUG.
    Never heard of them and still not sure what you have there in the photo.
    Is it sort of a braided thing???? Do you use a toothbrush. Can you tell I KNOW NOTHING OF THIS!!!! lol


  10. Your toothbrush rug is coming along nicely. I too have made them but have trouble starting them so I just start them out by crocheting then convert over to the toothbrush tool. I found that if I work them on a flat surface instead of in my lap it helps in keeping them flat. Looking forward to seeing your rug as it grows!

  11. Never heard of a toothbrush rug...
    Good Luck with it. I'm sure it will turn out fine.


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