Sunday, January 30, 2011

And the First Winner is...

A big THANK YOU to all who left me a comment or sent me an email to enter the give~away.  Because I have so many wonderful readers and followers, I have decided to draw more than one winner.  The first name drawn gets to choose from one of the following.  After she decides, I will draw the next name.
And the first name drawn is....Becky Jean from Primitives n Stitchin.  How ironic is that?  I won her give-away last fall.  Becky, please send me an email ( with the item you want and your address.   
7" x 8"

6 1/4"  x  9 1/4"
The winner will receive 3 woven wool hearts.
Well, I'd better get busy.  I have to get these mats steamed and bound.
Thank you so much for stopping by, entering my give~away and being such great blog buddies.  I appreciate each and every one of you!!!
Pug hugs :)


  1. congradulations to the winner and who could chose???

  2. Big congrats Becky!hard choices!thanks for a great giveaway.blessings michelle

  3. Congratulation Becky Jean! The choices are beautiful! Great giveaway!

  4. Woo Hoo!!

    I'm jumping for joy & I'm sure you all can feel the earth vibrating!!

    I could not choose, so I had to throw 2 slips of paper in a bowl & had to choose that way. I picked the blue!! Did I pick the wrong one? No way!! Either one would have been the right one!!

    Good luck to the next lucky person!!

    Thank you so much Lauren!! You really made my day!

    Big Hugs~Becky

  5. Good for you, Becky Jean! What an awesome win!

  6. You're a good giver, Lauren!! Congratulations, Becky!

  7. Congratulations to Becky. And you are so generous that the dream still lives for 2 more lucky people!

  8. Congrats Becky, great giveaway, hard choice between these three great items.


Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog. Your comments are much appreciated :)