Monday, January 10, 2011

Already Monday ~

Welcome dear blog friends. It's Monday already. The weekends sure do fly by, especially the busy ones!
Yesterday I took grandson Jake to see Disney on Ice, Toy Story 3. He had no idea he was going until I picked him up. I'm not sure if it was a coincidence, but he was wearing his Toy Story shirt. I don't know how a family could afford an event such as this, but I think it was a full house. Toys were outrageously expense, but that's what grandmas are for, no? I just wish I could get a decent picture of that silly young man!

Not having seen Toy Story 3, I was surprised to see Barbie (that's her in the blue) and Ken in the production.
Jake totally enjoyed it and wanted to know if we could go again today.
A bit more about my goals....
I am a list maker. I make one every day. I put on there things I need to do daily - read the newspaper, deal with the mail, etc. I also add places I need to go and things I hope to accomplish that day - pay bills, hook, read a magazine, etc. Even things as mundane as water the plants. If I don't write them down, I am less likely to accomplish them (or remember to do them!). I will admit I rarely get them all done, and almost never beat myself up for not having done so. It's just the way I do things and it works for me. I've not set monthly goals before, so I am hoping that by looking at the list on a regular basis, I can stay on task and get more accomplished than I normally would. Don't worry, I won't beat myself up (well, maybe just a little) if I don't finish my list :)
Hopscotch may have met her new forever mom yesterday. She went and visited with the prospective mom and her two pugs yesterday to see if they were compatible. They had an absolute ball playing. Elwood and Rhoda are both around two years of age so still very much puppies. The three of them ran around like wild hooligans. Rhoda did get a little grumpy when Hopscotch got too close to the bone she was munching on. I should know in a few days whether the adoption will take place, but nothing can happen for another 10 days. Not only is Hopscotch on an antibiotic for her incision infection, she is also on meds for a parasite and worms. Yuck is all I can say :( She is just as ornery as ever ~ all puppy!
I hope your week is off to a great start. I'm hoping the snow they are predicting for us tomorrow will once again pass us by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. Oh Lauren, how wonderful it would be for Hopscotch to find a new forever mom. Sounds like you have a likely candidate. Jake is a real winner with a great Grandma. You two kids should have a lot of fun together. Hugs to Pugs.

  2. Oh my gosh, Jake is so funny!!! What a little cutie!

    I hope your little wild child is on her way to a home with other young ones to romp (and get in trouble!) with. The prospective new mom must have a lot of patience to be able to handle three crazy kids!

  3. Hi Lauren,
    You aren't perhaps looking for another child to adopt? (me)! LOL! What a great Grandma to take Jake to Disney on Ice! I'd be wild to go see it myself!
    Great news about Hopscotch! She would love having other little playmates.....I'll cross my fingers and think positive thoughts for you both!
    Oh yes..... the lists keep getting longer here too but I did manage to check a couple of things off mine today! Yay! The monthly list sounds like a great idea....... I will give it a try!
    Cathy G

  4. Kudos to you Lauren for being such a great grandma, or should I rephrase this and say such a wonderful grandma for taking your grandson to Disney on Ice. Grand kids are such a gift.

    I'm keeping my fingers crossed too for Hopscotch's adoption. She may never want to leave such a loving home.

    You're not alone on making lists. I make lists too. I have my daily list of things that needs to be done which never all get done either and my goal list which I tackle on whenever I get serious about it and it too never get all done but one thing that I've noticed, making lists and crossing them once they are done is a real moral booster. It's amazing how much I can get done within a certain amount of time. I can see the progress. JB

  5. I love that picture of Jake you can tell he is full of fun all the time. Those outings are expensive but that was a memory made.
    I need to get on this list making thing. I am all over the place and I never seem to get anything done.So first on the list make a list of to do tomorrow.

  6. Years ago, I read that if we make a list and cross off each thing we do, even mundane things like reading the paper and opening mail, it helps us to feel a sense of accomplishment! So, you're on the right track, Lauren!! Another that was said, is that you wouldn't start on a vacation without a roadmap but we'll live our lives without one ~ the 'list' is our roadmap for that day! Good luck!!!

  7. I'm a list maker. too. Otherwise I'd get NOTHING done!!

    Jake reminds me of Huckleberry Finn- all BOY!!

    Glad to hear Hopscotch may have found a home. she is a cutie!!

  8. Lauren, Looks like your grandson had a blast!!! Love that he has is gun with him! Mom of 2 boys, I can relate! OLM

  9. looks like a fun day with Jake - treasured memories for sure ! Hope the little munchkin gets a forever home - too bad she has an infection and worms but those are usually easily cured. happy thoughts on a possible new home. Cheers! Mel


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