Saturday, October 9, 2010

Maiden Voyage!

Well, today was the day. The FAA finally signed off on all the paperwork and it was a perfect day for flying. My DSO Fritz was ready to take off - the culmination of over 1000 hours of construction time, 12,000+ rivets (I put one rivet in!) and nearly two years of work. Fritz lives in a condo and built the entire plane in his garage. His experimental light sport Van's RV-12 kit plane was ready to take to the skies!
Here he is leaving the hangar. I am excited but a nervous wreck!
This is rather disconcerting - duct tape. He says it's to hold the wings on! Actually just a stop-gap measure until the plane is painted.
On the taxi-way.
That is him! It really flies. I had no doubt, but it still is mind-boggling to think that HE built it.
This picture says it all.

I am so proud of him! Love you, Sweetie!
Thank you so much for allowing me to share this momentous occasion with you.
Pug hugs :)


  1. Look at that smile on your flyboy! Way to go on getting it airborne! Bet his feet are still off the ground knowing he did it all himself (with the exception of one rivet!)

  2. How amazing it that! oh and he is a cutie. I too would be a wreck but when is your first ride?

  3. Wow! That is truly amazing!!! It's a beauty of a plane too! Congrats to Fritz!

  4. Holy Cow! That is amazing. How cool is that to build your own plane.....and for it to actually fly.......
    Very impressed!!

  5. How wonderful - it is beyond my comprehension how one can build a plane but I guess it's no different thatn building a car - just put wings on, I know there's more to it but what an accomplishment.
    Are you going to go up with him?????
    We need a picture of that too!
    Very handsome man!!!

  6. WOW!!! That is WAY COOL!!!
    What an accomplishment! He looks sooo happy!
    Does it have more than one seat? Will you be taking to the skies?
    It looks like quite an exciting adventure!

  7. p.s. I think a commemorative airplane rug would be a good Christmas gift!

  8. Whoa that is AWESOME!! What a talented man and pretty darn easy on the eyes too!!

  9. How awesome! I think your name would look nice painted on the side ;)

  10. WOW. Really did it himself! That is awesome!

  11. Lauren - I know how you feel. My husband built 4 experimental planes and flew tham all. A real fly boy! Airplanes have been a large part of my life and from now on they will be a large part of yours! Hope you enjoy every minute of it.

  12. Now that's a happy guy!!! I'm with you ~ I would have been very nervous, too! Guess it's worth it if it brings him so much pleasure! Don't you wonder what keeps that plane up in the air??!!!

  13. Ahh, I can see it now. Long plane rides together with you hooking a rug happily in the passenger seat. Destination Unknown.

    Great job - him - for the ability to build such a thing. Great job - you - for the ability to watch him fly off for the first time and still have nails left at the end.


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