Monday, September 20, 2010

New Treasures, 13# Spitfire & Give~Away Reminder

I though I would share some of my purchases from the show at Malabar Farm.
I purchased this sweet little vintage cubby and am not sure where or for what I will use it. Maybe I'll showcase some stone fruit.
Or perhaps some pieces from my treen collection.
This little vintage mat was bought from Bobbie ~ The Evening Stitcher, when I was leaving the show. I could not believe no one had bought it. It appears to be made from old nylons.
I came home with a few blackened beeswax ornaments...
...and a rock. Everyone needs a rock, right? This one is for a Christmas gift.
Falling Star Primitives had some wonderful cross stitch charts. It feels good to be cross stitching again and I think I will enjoy stitching this redwork sampler.
My big splurge of the day was this HUGE wooden bowl. I have a confession, I love old bowls. I must have at least 15 of them, but none this large. It is about 19" out-of-round and measures 6" deep. It is cracked, but so am I :)
Here is the 13# spitfire. Her name is Cher and she is an Ohio Pug Rescue Pug. The couple adopting Eema are also planning on adopting Cher and wanted to make sure they would get along so we had a sleepover last night. I think Cher is 3-4 years old, but this little lady is bouncing off the walls. Cher has been the perfect guest, but Eema has gotten crabby a few times when Cher was too much in to her "space". You know how those seniors can be! I just love the way Cher cocked her ear in this picture.
Thank you so much for stopping by. Just a reminder that my give~away will be ending Wednesday and you must leave a comment on the give~away post or drop me an email.
Pug hugs :)


  1. Hi Lauren! I am loving looking at your wonderful Malabar finds!! It was a really good show. I had a few splurges myself..LOL! I am going to post pictures later this evening. I love the wooden bowl and your new cubby. I loved Falling Star's cross stitch patterns. That little hooked rug is really cute. I think it is out of nylons too. Thank you for coming to my was so nice to see you again. One of these days we'll have to make a date to hook or stitch together!


  2. "It is cracked, but so am I"........LOL Now I am cracking up!

  3. I agree on the bowls, you can never have too many. That one is great! Plus all the other nice finds.

    Cher is so cute. I hope Eema and she will get along OK. I can get a little cranky too when kids are running circles around me! LOL!!!

  4. I so want to go shopping with you. I too have a thing for bowls also. I pile them high with pine cones or shiny ornaments at christmas.
    that little dog is so sweet. I would love to know how to make the bees wax ornament. I have a few molds I just don't know how to make it blackened. Great finds

  5. Oooh love everything you bought!

    Me thinks you need another cubby for all your collections!

    Cher is a cutie - hope it all ends well with those two together!

  6. Lauren,
    I LOVE your finds! You have some very nice early primitives. Looks like we are all wooden bowl ladies!! LOL I have lots of them too! And use all of mine. Some are cracked but like you say " aren't we all"!! Keep having fun with the Pugs.......I can't get over how cute they are!!
    Cathy G

  7. I, too, have a cracked bowl ~ it fits with my personality!! You're funny, Lauren ~ good little cubby ~ and you have just the right things to put in it!!

  8. Awww little Cher looks soooo sweet!! I like your purchases too, especially the bowl and the beeswax ornament!

  9. I love the wooden bowl - all your finds are great! I don't know how you bear to part with such cuties - Cher and Eema. Love from Eloise

  10. I'm a bowl-a-holic, too-- can never have too many!! You got some great finds.!

    Cher is going to have to understand the Eema is the "boss" dog!!

  11. Cher is so cute! Oh, it's only natural for Eema to get crabby. Thank you for sharing and have a great day. My Best ~Kimberly


Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog. Your comments are much appreciated :)