Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Hookin' at the Library ~

Welcome and thank you so much for stopping by. Tonight the usual suspects, or should I say the usual hookers, met at the library to spend the evening hooking. It was a small, but talented group! Here's a little beeskep rug that Lisa was finishing up the binding on. She has a knack for picking colors that look so old. She is going to hang it on an old shutter.
That's Sylvia on the left (didn't get a pic of her finished rug) and Lisa on the right.
Heidi and Jane were busy working.
Here's a little rug that Jane was binding. She took an Ali Strebel workshop at Sauder Village. The rug incorporated hooking, needle felting, rolled wool, the beading technique, cut loops and more. Jane is a relatively new hooker who is just doing a fantastic job!
Heidi is working on a stair rug. She is hooking a series of looooong animals.
Here's the little car that she drives. I think she said she was going to add some pewter buttons that spelled out ??? I didn't catch what :(Mitsuko was hard at work with Karin sitting to her right. Karin had run out of wool and had put the rug away. It is a commissioned rug and I hope I can get a picture of it before she sends it off. Check out the rugs she currently has listed on eBay ~ primitivespirits is her seller ID. You won't be disappointed!
Mitsuko is hooking this rug in shades of green. It is going to be a beauty!
A close-up.
Of course, I don't have a picture to share of what I am hooking. It is a little fall mat that I'm hooking for a give-away. I hope to have it done this weekend so be sure to stop back and enter.
Pug hugs :)


  1. I always love seeing your rug group. the bee skep is my kind of colors I always go in that pallet.

  2. Each rug looks great. Looks like you gals have lots of fun!

  3. Thanks for sharing with those of us that can't make it.. we need inspiration and you help provide it.

  4. Always some great inspiration happening at hook-ins! That Ali Strebel flower is very interesting with all of those techniques.

  5. Hi Lauren
    What a nice group of hookers and so productive! Thanks for sharing. I always get ideas from the shared rugs on blogs.

  6. Lauren, Love them all I really need to give hooking another try! have a great day! olm

  7. Rats! I missed it again. I've got to get an assistant/maid/gal friday so I can make it to hooking. All the rugs look great. I will try my best to be there the next time as it is always a fun time.

  8. Good morning Lauren,
    I think it's so fun coming to your blog...I love all the wonderful Hooked Rugs you show and the girls who work on them.
    I wish (truely I do) wish that someone would put a sweet little hooked rug kit together for me...wool and all - ready to hook and send it to me and I'd pay them for it....I HAVE NO CLUE WHERE TO START!!!!
    Actually i think it's very overwhelming to start looking.

    I was in PA last month...even went into HOOKED RUG SHOP...and she had a class going in the back and didn't want me looking in the shop 'unattended' so she stood with me...but didnt' give me any I left...I felt like she didn't trust me to look around and get a feel for what I needed...and not even trying to help me.
    My husband thought her 'RUDE' did I!!!
    So that's where I am...LOST!!!!

    Anyway...I digressed

    Hugs, Karen

  9. Can't wait to see how that all green rug comes together....I'm fascinated by monochromatic rugs. I missed hooking with my group this month, so it was good to "visit" yours!

  10. All rugs look great. I can now have my new technique in hooking and its been 3 months i haven't hook. Can't wait to see some of your designs. Have a nice day!

  11. You have the best group of hookers!! I see some of the nicest people there, that I have met in the past at rug camps....Mitsuko, Sylvia and Lisa, etc. Please tell them I said hello! Wish I could join you....Love your blog.


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