Thursday, September 16, 2010


Thanks so much for stopping by. I think I'm long overdue for a give~away! Does this little mat look familiar? It's a whole lot like the lumina pumpkin mats in the previous blog, but this one was hooked with a brown background. I've never hooked a dark brown background before and I kind of like it. I haven't yet sewn the binding on but I figured if I'm giving it away, that will be my motivation to git r done :) This little mat is about 9" x 10" and was hand hooked by yours truly using 100% wool on a linen backing.
The rules are simple. Leave a comment on this post to be entered in the drawing. (Or you can drop me an email with give~away in the subject line.) I will pick the winner next Wednesday around 8pm. You don't need to be a follower but I'd really appreciate it if you were! Oh, and you mustn't find pug hair offensive. NOTHING leaves this house pug hair free!
Pug hugs :)


  1. Oh please enter me in you wonderful mat give away, I need it!!! See you Saturday

  2. WOW!!
    Oh Lauren, Please, Yes, Please enter me into your amazing giveaway.
    I LOVE it!!
    And it would go fabulously in my living room. ;)

    I am a follower of your blog and always love seeing your creations!!
    I would be so thrilled to own one of them.

    Have a wonderful weekend!

  3. Hi Lauren,
    What a cute little mat!!
    Yes, yes, yes!!! Please enter me in the giveaway!
    Pug hair is good. Goes well with cat hair.
    Thanks for being so generous!

  4. Hi Lauren,
    Please enter me also. I would love to give this adorable little mat it's "forever home".

  5. Pick me ~ Pick me!! Cute little mat, Lauren! A little pug hair is good ~ isn't it?? See you Saturday!!!

  6. ohhhhhhh..enter me....LOL..and yes, I will take the pug will blend in with my pugs hair...LOL..

  7. Whats a little pug hair?
    Looks alot like my Mastiff hair!
    Please enter in to win...the hair and yes I'll take the mat too!
    Thanks Lauren,

  8. I sure hope I am the lucky winner. A little pug hair will give me something to remember sweet Eema.

  9. Such a cute mat! "and a little pug in a rug" to boot! Fun give-away! Now if my stars line up.........☆☆☆☆☆......I might get lucky!
    Thanks Lauren!
    Cathy G

  10. my house, it COULDN'T be a hooked rug without either cat or dog hair!!!

  11. Adorable Mat - and really - Pug hair only adds to the charm!

  12. Please enter me in the contest to win your wonderful mat. Fall is my favorite time of the year and it's time to get the house decorated for the season. And by the way, pug hair really offends me. It doesn't mix with retriever hair, border collie hair and crazy mixed breed hair, but I'd be willing to overlook that!

  13. Always love a nice white hooked punkin! Plz enter me too, thx for the chance Lauren, good luck to all!

    stitchinsweetsue at gmail dot com

  14. What a beautiful piece! I would love a chance to win!
    I am a follower of your blog and always love seeing what you make!

  15. LOL - the comment about the Pug hair tickled me... Enter me please I would love to win your mat... and I am the "other" Jacque.


  16. It's such a sweet little mat! Would love to have it in my home, since the only white pumpkin I had hooked sold this past weekend...If I don't win, it will inspire me to hook another one for me. Just too sweet!

  17. Love the mat - Pug hair and all. Lots of Jack Russel hair in this house!

  18. Pug Hair adds texture--just like cat hair and chihuahua hair!!!

  19. Love the mat, would fit right in with yorkie hair here...hehe..thanks for the chance.

  20. Oh me oh my.....this is lovely and I SO WANT TO BE INCLUDED IN THIS WONDERFUL GIVE-A-WAY....
    Lauren you are too generous.

  21. Lauren,

    I so love this little mat. Please include me in your give away! Pug hair? Not a problem, mixes so well with black lab hair! OLM

  22. Such a very generous giveaway! I do love fall and this lil' pumpkin mat is just perfect pug hair and all! Someone is going to be very pleased!

  23. Lauren,
    Well your give-away made me realize I had never officially "followed" you although you are a regular stop on my route.
    How can I object to pug hairs when everything I have has PWC hairs on it?
    That mat matches my room colors perfectly.

    Peace be with you,

  24. Don't pick anyone else but me. Hope to see you tomorrow.

  25. Lauren, I have seen the mat in person and I would love to own it!

  26. Hi Lauren~
    Thanks so much for visiting my blog and leaving a wonderful comment! I just love visiting new blogs and yours is no exception!
    I'm just in time for a drawing too~ how fun!! Please do enter my name and I'm also becoming a follower when I finish this comment. I don't mind pug hair at all as I'm sure it will blend in nicely with our yellow lab and two kitties fur.
    Blessings to you~ Birgit

  27. I would love a chance at winning this perfectly prim mat! And BTW, half of my outfits include dog fur on them ...LoL!
    Thanks again for the chance!

  28. Love it! This is my first time visiting your blog and I'm amazed by your talent. Thank you for sharing! You don't have to include me in the give away ~ not that I wouldn't LOVE to have that mat; but I feel it should go to someone who has been a follower of yours for a long time... which I intend to be from now on. I love your blog! So glad I found it.

  29. What a darling mat! :) I'm so ready for Fall and cooler weather. This mat would surely welcome in the season. You are so sweet & generous to be giving it away. Good luck to all the entries! (me included!) :)



  30. Hi Lauren,
    Love your mat! It would be happy here!

  31. oh put me in for the give away I so want that little mat!

  32. I would love to be in your giveaway. Your site is great. I have signed up to be a follower yor items are so beautiful. Thank you Debbie

  33. Drop my name in the hat. I would love to win your adorable mat. Besides, along with the pug needs some Lucy Poosey hair!!! The pugs are so darling........I wish I could have a doggie........
    Thanks so much


Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog. Your comments are much appreciated :)