Friday, August 20, 2010

How do you spell BAD?

I spell it W ~ O ~ O ~ L!!!
I was very bad today. The wool gods were calling my name and I could not resist the temptation. These are some Rebecca Erb as-is wools.
These wools are from Wendy ~ The Red Saltbox. They are much more olive in tone. I want to hook the "Red Primrose" hooked rug from the Maggie Bonanomi book, "With These Hands" and I am lacking green wools in my stash. Now if I really hook it, that's another story. At least it's a good excuse. As I mentioned after Sauder last year, Wendy has a pug so we had to pug-talk for a bit :)
More overdyed wools. The two on the bottom are the most wonderful blue grey color.
It's easy to spend a whole lot of money and not get a whole lot of wool!
I made a quick trip to the antique mall just around the corner from Sauder Village on the way home. These pressed glass wine goblets (circa 1880's) were my deal of the day. I have been collecting mismatched ones for about 20 years and really don't need any more, but the one on the left was $3.47 and the other was only $1.25. How could I not buy them? I also picked up two small Christmas gifts and that was it.
Please stop by again soon. I have LOTS of pictures to share of the wonderful rugs at Sauder Village. So much talent displayed in one room. I hope I've been inspired!
Pug hugs :)


  1. Sounds like you had a wonderful wool shopping day! Love your wool!

  2. Your new wool looks great. You will be hooking up a storm. I was a little bad today too. I stopped in a local rug hooking studio on my way back to work after lunch. Just to visit for a few minutes. I didn't need anything. Needless to say I now have 2 pieces of orange wool that I decided I needed for a pumpkin I didn't know I was going to hook. LOL

  3. Whoo-hoo! Nice wool! Just goes to show that the wool gods are right! LOL!!!
    ALWAYS listen when they speak!!!

  4. Love all those colors! Can't wait to see what you create with them! OLM

  5. Have fun making that rug, looks like a great selection of wools. Beautiful wine goblets!

  6. I like the glass on the right... looks a little wonky in the pic and that is the "character" I look for in a find! :-) GREAT wools too! Looking forward to seeing pics of the show...

  7. Looks like you picked up some really yummy wools! I really need to get back to hooking....I'm on vacation this week, so maybe I'll MAKE some time!
    Loved seeing your "finds"!

  8. Wooohoooo a girl after my own heart!!!! I've got this passion for wools and there's a huge pile ready for me to do something with and hoping i carry through this winter...gorgeous colors you have there.

  9. I love the pressed glass glasses.
    And the dyed wools are beautiful. Isn't it exciting when new wool comes in. It's almost like Christmas.

  10. Oh my goodness! So much fun, such beautiful wool now that is pure bliss to me. can't wait to see your pictures. I need a little inspiration. I spend most of my time outside after I get home from work. Did you notice it gets darker a little earlier all the time? I am not looking forward to the long dark nights.

  11. OOOOOoooo, love your piles of wool Lauren! Sounds like you had a fun time at Sauder. I remember going to that antique mall when I was at Sauder a few years ago. Fun! Can't wait to see the pics you took at the show.

  12. ohhhh, what beautiful wool! Can't wait to see your "Red Primrose" rug...hope you do hook it!


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