Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Pictures from the Pug Pen ~

Saturday afternoon was spent at an adoptathon in Akron, Ohio. It was VERY HOT ~ thankfully there was a breeze. Considering the heat, the pugs survived quite well. Here's my sweet Eema.
We had many pugs looking for their forever homes. We do not do on-site adoptions, but hopefully several of the people who expressed an interest will fill out an application. We just don't give our pugs to anyone!
Just a few random shots of the pug pen. We were constantly moving the X-pen to give the puggies shade.
The black guy in the blue harness is Salty, the pug I picked up in Toledo the previous day. He was going to his new foster home that afternoon.
Ohio Pug Rescue's booth. We even had a visitor to the pug pen. Isn't she a cutie?
Thank you so much for dropping by and please come again soon!
Pug hugs :)


  1. Awwww Lauren how cute...do most of the Pugs get adopted out?


  2. How could anyone abuse those sweet faces??? Here's hoping they all find their forever homes!!

  3. I think what you do for pugs is a beautiful thing! Bless you. And aren't they just so cute!!? SUE

  4. The pugs are precious and I'm glad that they're finding forever homes.


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