Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Hookin' at the Liberry

{{Don't you just hate when people call it the liberry?
It's one of my pet peeves.}}
I have a few pitchures {{another pet peeve!}} to share with you
from last evening's hooking at the library.
Not a whole lot to share ~
a couple of the hookers were nearing completion
on rugs I've already shared
and a couple were just getting started on new rugs.
Karin {eBay seller primitivespirits} is simply amazing.
She just started on this wonderful turkey.
She's completed this eagle.
Okay. I took this picture Tuesday evening.
Karin started this rug on Monday
and by Tuesday it was hooked
and bound.
How does she do it???
The next two rugs are Carole's ~
another prolific hooker.
The colors of both rugs are very bad in my pictures.
They are truly lovely in person.

Candy was knitting these yummy looking socks
on a size zero needle.
Andrea from That'll Do Farm was also knitting
but left before I got the camera out.
I was working on a punch needle piece.
It is a design from Pat Cross' book
Purely Primitive.
The backside of a punch needle piece
sure isn't pretty.
It is a bit on the large size, 6" x 9 1/2".
Had I had quick access to a copy machine,
I would have reduced it a tad.
Hopefully I will finish it in the next
day or two.
Thank you so much for stopping by
and taking the time to read my blog.
Pug hugs :)


  1. Thanks for sharing the pic's you took. Love looking at them all. Your punch needle is wonderful. I did a large piece like that one time and never thought I'd ever get it done. Keep going though, it looks fantastic!

  2. I always love looking at the "Pitchers" of the hook rugs you all are making! I love the one with the dog. I would love to have one with a miniature schnauzer on it!

    I hope you have a wonderful Thursday!


  3. Ooooohhhh... great pitchures! ;-) Can't believe that Karin hooked that beauty in a day! Wowie! Too hot here for hookin' so my progress has been slow. Your punched piece is looking awesome... that Pat Cross book is one of my favorites!

  4. thanks for sharing all the pitchures from the your dog and bird punched piece...

  5. Always love seeing works in progress and completed items. Keeps me inspired.

  6. Hi Lauren,
    Thanks so much for sharing! Your group does the nicest primitives.

  7. great rugs. don't come to na hampsure or we will take your picha and hang it in the libarry.Ha! we are all about leaving the R off from everything. Haven't hooked much to dang hot!

  8. I was at the Liburry today;)
    Wonderful pieces and I love you punched piece.


  9. Thanks for sharing the pitchers. We will meet at the liberry this coming Monday evening. I'll try to take some pics.
    I love the little pumpkin mat. Is it her drawing or a pattern we can buy?
    xo, Sheri

  10. I totally enjoyed all your beautiful rugs and I've bookmarked you to take a look at the new stuff you post.


Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog. Your comments are much appreciated :)