Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Tuesday night hookin' ~

I haven't had time to do much of anything lately, and hooking and blogging have pretty much fallen by the wayside. I hope I can get back in the groove soon. I finally picked up the hook a couple of days ago and last night headed to the library for a little bit of "me" time. It was a small group so I only have a couple (wonderful) rugs to share. I started to hook a little mat for a friend's birthday and of course forgot to take a picture of it. I'll share it when I'm done.
Karin (eBay seller primitivespirits) only started this medium sized rug last Thursday. Can you believe it? It would take me a month of Sundays ~ if I was lucky! Her colors are much richer in person. It is just drop dead gorgeous! It's a design found in the book "Wool Rug Hooking" by Tara Darr. It's a book worth owning.
Helen was new to our group last evening and she is a relatively new hooker but is doing a fantastic job on this rug. I just love the way she is doing her background.
Lisa brought her knitting project last evening ~ a lap-sized afghan.
Isn't it gorgeous?
We've been having beautiful weather here on Ohio's north coast and we've gotten some much needed rain the last couple of days. Oh, the weeds are going crazy and the helicopters from the maple trees are sprouting everywhere! I have my work cut out for me!
Thank you so much for stopping by and I will try to be a better blogger ~ promise.
Pug hugs :)


  1. I love the rugs! They are beautiful! Thank you for sharing them with us! I hope you are having a relaxing evening!


  2. Beautiful rugs and knitting.
    Some day I will get a group together, maybe next fall.
    For the summer I tend to be outside more.


  3. Love the rugs! Karin does wonderful rugs and Helen is doing a fabulous job on her rug too. I want to do that one some day. I think it's in Linda Brannock's last Miss Jump's book. Lisa's knitting is beautiful!

  4. Such great projects! Must have been relaxing for you to get out to a hook-in! Good for you - take time for yourself!

  5. Beautiful rugs indeed and the knitting is looking great. Glad you had the opportunity to get out and have a little "me" time!

  6. Lafghan - just beautiful. How is Emma?

  7. Glad you took some time for yourself. Love the pic's, thanks for sharing. Helen's background is very intersting. Nice way to show off the flower. Kay does do beautiful work. It's looking great! And that afghan, well, I couldn't/wouldn't even attempt it. Very nicely done :).

  8. Don't apologize for the lack of blogging. I'm going through that myself - this time of year there are so many other things to do. All those rugs and the knitting look wonderful! I hope that you're getting a little more time for yourself, but we're like you up here - those helicopters are all over the place. This time of year there is always some yard work to do!!

  9. Thanks for sharing all the beautiful inspiring pieces. Glad you took some time for yourself, I know it is hard I am right there with you. I really need it, I have got to start a rug, it will be great therapy.

  10. It might have been a small group, but they are working on some GORGEOUS projects!

  11. WOW! Love the rugs! I just stumbled across your blog and boy am I glad that I did! I'm now a follower too!

  12. Hi Lauren, it was so good to see you on Tuesday, I hope we see you again soon. I finished the floral rug and I just listed it on Ebay. Take care and Hugs

  13. I sure whish I had a group to go to. I love to hook but hooking alone is very diffrent from the added spark of a group.

  14. Gorgeous rugs and knitting! The group might be small... but there sure is loads of talent there! Those little maple whirly gigs are driving me bonkers here too... :-)

  15. Lauren, I'm enjoying your blog....I had fun hooking with your group on Tuesday! I'll be seeing you all again soon!


Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog. Your comments are much appreciated :)