Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Townsend ~

Dear friends,
Thank you again for all your prayers and kind words. It is comforting to know so many friends were praying for Mom. I know she is at peace and in a better place, but I still don't believe it. I realize it will take time...
I have spent a bit of time today playing catch-up on the computer, and have discovered that Townsend Industries is closing. How sad. I just love my Townsend cutter. I am trying to find a #9 cutterhead, but of course there are none to be had. Does anyone have a duplicate #9 they are willing to sell? If so, I would be most interested.
Thank you again for all your support!
Pug hugs :)


  1. Lauren, try Aults in Shelby for #9, just a thought. Rhonda

  2. I just bought a Townsend a few months ago with 2 cutterheads. My plan was to add a new size once or twice a year until I had them all. Then, this weekend, I read another blog announcing the closing. I panicked and went on-line to Aults and ordered 2 more sizes - thinking #4 thru 7 would do me. Now Aults is saying they received more orders than they can fill, so I am waiting to find out of I am one of the lucky ones.

  3. Isn't this the worst news!
    I just bought a #4 T-cutter from Linart Designs two weeks ago. It was in stock and shipped the next day.
    Now there isn't a cutter anywhere (and I've checked many places!)
    Guard your cutters with your life, they are going to be like having gold!

  4. Lauren, I read that Searsport Rugs is going to try to stock some extra cutter blades too. Might give them a try. I just bought my Townsend last month and like June said, I was going to buy them as I could afford them. Glad I didn't sell my Frazier cutter and extra blades.
    Stay happy and peaceful,
    xo, Sheri

  5. Check out e-bay...selling townsend cutters and blades like hotcakes...only the price is too high...heard through ault rugs that someone was buying the equipment to manufacture the prized cutters and blades.

    Hope so!


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