Monday, May 17, 2010

Mom update ~

Thank you everyone for dropping by. I just thought I'd give you a quick "mom update" since so many of you have been keeping her in your prayers. After our Mother's Day outing she took a turn for the worse. She is at home with 24/7 care and will remain there until the end. She has been under hospice care since January so there are no more hospital or doctor visits, only comfort measures. She had not eaten in days and was only taking minimal liquids, but yesterday she wanted ice cream and today a little bit of coffee cake. Oh, she loves her sweets!
I spent most of the weekend with her and chose to forgo the hook-in because I did not want to be an hour and a half away. There will always be another hook-in but never another mom.
My older son Bill quickly flew in from Las Vegas. She has always had such a great bond with her grandchildren. When Bill was about 3 and 4 years old, mom was a school bus driver and she would pick him up on a regular basis and let him ride the bus with her.
This is such a sad time. Your continued prayers for a peaceful passing are much appreciated.
Here's a couple pictures of Mom when she was 19 and 20 years old. She was beautiful then and is still that way today.
Pug hugs :)


  1. awww..Lauren, your mother is beautiful! And of course, I will be praying for both of you! sending you warm hugs~Kathy

  2. Oh Lauren! I wish there was something I could do to help ease your sadness! I will continue to pray for both you and your Mom.
    Please know that you are in my thoughts!
    HUGS!!! Lots of them!

  3. Indeed you and your family will be in my thoughts and prayers. It is very difficult but you will find strength through the love and caring of others who understand. Warm hugs for you Lauren! Cathy G

  4. Your Mom and your family will continue to be in my prayers. Wonderful pictures of your Mom.

  5. Such a sweet picture of your mom by the roadside, wearing her hat and looking so pretty! That's a great memory and you know, you're both on my mind and in my prayers. In friendship, Alice

  6. Thinking of you in prayer......


  7. Oh Lauren - Praying her passing will be easy and I'm sure having her family with her will comfort her also.

    You take care of yourself and thanks for sharing those beautiful photo's of your Mom.

  8. Lauren, I am so sorry about your mom, and I am glad to hear that you can be there for her.

  9. Lauren, I am so sorry to hear of the change in your mom. although it is inevitable with all of us, it's still hard to hear and deal with. So happy your son has made it out for a visit with her. And you are right, there is only one mom. Such lovely pictures, thanks so much for sharing them. I know when it's God's time, I will be facing the same thing with my mil. Please know you are all in my prayers.

  10. Lauren~

    I am thinking of you and your entire family during this difficult time. I will pray that you will feel God's peace in the days ahead.


  11. Thinking of you. I'm glad your son will be here with for a bit.

  12. Lauren--I pray that she goes peacefully with her family around her. You are in my prayers....

  13. Lauren, I'll be thinking of you and your family.

  14. Thinking of you. Wonderful tribute to your Mom with the posting of her pictures here. I was a hospice nurse for 3 years and most of the time I never got to see pictures of what the patients looked like when they had been well and younger. When I did get to see pictures, it gave me more of a sense of who they had been and I appreciated that. Wonderful program~hospice. As difficult as it is, you were wise to avail yourself of their services for both your Mom and you.
    Keeping you in my prayers.
    Kathleen in NJ

  15. Lauren,

    Adding my prayers and thoughts to all the others. I cherish a photo of my Mom standing in a winter coat next to one of the first cars she and Dad had. I think she's wearing a similar hat. She was 8 months pregnant with the first of the 8 kids we have, but boy, she doesn't show.

    Maybe one day, you can hook the photo. Peace and love to you.


  16. Lauren,
    I will keep you and your mom in my thoughts. I know how hard this is for you. Take care.


  17. Such pretty pictures of your Mom! Prayers of comfort for you, your Mom and family... Hugs, Sharon

  18. Lauren, Your mommy is so beautiful. I'll be thinking about both of you.
    Love and kisses,

  19. Lauren ~ I'm praying for your Mom and your family, as well. May God bless you all and strengthen you, and give you His peace. Hugs, Linda

  20. Lauren--you are in my thoughts and prayers that you and your family will be surround with the love and support that you need during this time.

  21. Lauren - my thought and prayers go out to you and your family. I love the pictures of your mom. God bless her and your whole family.


Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog. Your comments are much appreciated :)