Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Walnut Creek Hook-In ~ ~ ~ Part 2

Here's some more pictures from the hook-in at Walnut Creek last Saturday. There was so much incredible talent displayed. Please enjoy the show! (I did not make note of who hooked what.)

I got to spend a bit of time chatting with Julie (L) from Plum Run Creek and Rhonda (R) from My Glory Stars.
I'd met both of them briefly but never really talked with them. They were both so delightful and are magnificent, prolific hookers! Julie insisted that my picture be taken with them (Ugh ~ Not them, me. I hate having it taken!) and posted on the blog since I almost never post pictures of me. Julie, this one's for you!
Thank you so much for stopping by. I do have a few more hook-in pictures to share with you in my next post. I do hope you will stop back soon!
Pug hugs :)


  1. Hi Lauren,
    Thanks so much for posting the pictures of the hook-in! What fantastic rugs!!!
    There are so many good ones, who can pick a favorite?

  2. Oh what wonderful colors and inspiration!
    I love the picture of you, looks like there was a private joke. I hook with an 8. That is what I perfer larger is hard on my wrist and I am inpatient so I rarely hook with a smaller cut.

  3. More great pictures, Lauren! I can tell that you had fun, and I'm happy that you shared it with us!

  4. Lauren, thanks for the rug show! My favorite is the sunflowers, especially with the bright vivid colors. I also love the doggie with the little bird on his back.

  5. Great pics Lauren, you sure had a good time, already looking forward to the next hook-in, will be another fun day.

  6. Lauren, those pictures are wonderful!! I could sit and look at them all day. It looks like you had so much fun! I think that I'm really in love with both of those angel rugs! I definitely need to get back to hooking soon - your pictures have really inspired me!!

  7. Lauren,
    I must of missed some of the rugs you posted at the hook-in. There's a couple you have posted I didn't see. I love looking at rugs!!
    It was so nice seeing you again! We'll see you in June at Kingwood??

  8. Wow! I LOVE that rug of the general store! Sure wish I had the patience to hook with that much detail, though! LOL! Thanks for sharing pics of the show!

  9. Lauren..............I have read all of the posts that you and the other girls have done of this hook in and have thoroughly enjoyed all of the pictures. What talent all in one place.

  10. Those rugs are amazing! Thank you for sharing them with us! I hope you are having a wonderful Wednesday!


  11. I admire the workmanship and talent.

  12. WOW Lauren!! So much talent there ~ wonderful pieces of art. And I LOVE the picture of you, Julie and Rhonda ~ I'm glad you're in it, you're beautiful!

  13. Love the picture of you and the other girls! So great seeing your smiling face! Looks like a fun time - Thanks for taking the time to post the pics - Love a rug show!


Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog. Your comments are much appreciated :)