Tuesday, November 17, 2009

~ Gobble ~ Gobble ~ Gobble ~

~ ~ ~ Welcome Friends ~ ~ ~
Thanks for stopping in! I hope your week is off to a great start. Tomorrow it's hump day already. Where do the days go?
Today I thought I would share my collection of turkeys with you. Here's my gaggle of paper mache turkeys. (It's a gaggle of geese, but what is a bunch of turkeys? A herd? A flock?) I believe they are all from the 40's, and they are all marked Germany, except for the one on the left with legs which is not marked. Two of the large ones are marked "Made is Western Germany, US Zone". Several are candy containers and two of the smaller ones have the original price tags of 10 and 15 cents.
The turkeys in the next two photos are wax candles. I'm guessing these date from the 60's.

My dear Mom made the large ceramic turkey and the pilgrim couple. The turkey has the most amazing paint job. I'm sure she spent many hours painting this and I will cherish it always. The cornucopia candle holders were painted by yours truly in 1975. I think I must have been only 3 or 4 when I painted them...LOL!
Please stop again soon!
Pug hugs :)


  1. You're putting me in the Thanksgiving mood!

  2. Lauren I don't know what they are called either, but all I can say is I always enjoy seeing your collections. Karin

  3. Love your paper mache turkeys!! And years ago, when my boys were small, I did ceramics, too. Still have a few things ~ one being a cornucopia, too!! See you Saturday!

  4. What a great collection you have Lauren. Happy Thankgiving to you and yours.

  5. Andrea ~ Alice ~ Karin ~ Kim ~~~~
    Thanks so much for stopping by!
    Pug hugs and Happy Thanksgiving to you and your families.


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