Saturday, October 3, 2009

Frittering the day away ~

Today was one of those rare days when I have done nothing productive, as in physically accomplishing anything, but it has been a good day. I will just have to hustle tomorrow to get some things done before the work week starts once again.
I started the day by sleeping in. Oh, that felt good. Then it was the typical personal morning routine, feeding and walking Loocie and Marvin, and then off to an outdoor fall antique/craft show. It was the 40th year for the show held in Birmingham, Ohio, and from what a dealer/acquaintance told me, the largest to date with 178 vendors. The weather was chilly, overcast and threatening rain. Thankfully the rain held off and even the threat of a storm did not deter people. Several of the vendors that I knew said even though the crowd was heavy, sales were not too good.
My big purchase of the day was this sled. I think I will be using it on the dining room table during the holidays. I don't know from when it dates, but I know it has "age". Does anyone have a clue to its age? My guess would be early 1900's.
This is my bargain of the day. I have a large number of cookie cutters ~ somewhere in the attic ~ but I could not resist this one for $1.00.
I bought some gourds and mini pumpkins. I was really bummed because I bought 3 gourds that were long and thin like a banana and would have looked really cool once dried, and somehow I lost them. I'm thinking on the way to the car I must have dropped the bag. Darn :(
The gourds and pumpkins are in this carrier with the most wonderful patina and a heart cut-out that I purchased in eastern Pennsylvania about 25 years ago. The ghost and pumpkin is an import that I purchased at the craft store today. They also had some big ones that I loved, but I didn't have fifty or a hundred dollars to spare on a Halloween decoration...teehee.
A close-up of the heart.
Here's Loocie (fawn), my "personal pug" and Marvin (black), my foster. This is the first time I have seen them lay together and luckily the camera was handy. (Don't you just love my green floor??? There is hardwood underneath several layers of linoleum that one day I will expose.)
After coming home from the show, my grandson Jake came over and we had some quality time. I planned on having him home by 6 so I could get something done, but by the time we played pirate, policeman (he loves to handcuff me!), played with his Geo-Trax train, visited great-grandma, and ate, it was 8 by the time I got home. (If you need a gift for a young boy, Geo-Trax is THE BEST ~ this has been a favorite of his for 2+ years. You can buy it on sale and have a coupon from Kohl's and it is very reasonably priced.)
Have you ever wondered what people put on dried gourds to give it that very mellow, opaque type color? I thought maybe it was shoe polish, but what gives it that really great color is leather dye from Tandy. Now I'm not sure where to purchase it, but I'm sure it can be found online if I ever have the inclination to finish off all the dried gourds that I have.
Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. Hey Lauren!!!!
    I did the Birmingham show for more years than I can even remember anymore!!! I was thinkin' about it all day yesterday,figured it must have been pretty muddy. One year I had to get my car pulled out of the mud by a tractor (pulling many vendor's cars out) & once out of the mud,there was a flat tire.
    Guess my Zoom Zoom wouldn't have gotten around to well yesterday,huh????

    LOVE LOVE LOVE that sled!!!! I wouldn't even care how old it was!!!!
    Oh sorry about your gourds. Hmmm maybe that was cause you laughed at my clown/JOL rug????

  2. Great Blog Lauren! I try and get on here and all of the other Blogs that I follow as often as I can to catch up. I have a "Dashboard" of Blogs. Google messed me up! I had to create a Google acct. just to get back on here to read! Oh well, it's worth it! I love your sled! I would say late 1800's or early 1900's. Catch you later! :)

  3. Wow sounds like a great day - Your pugs are adorable - Love that sleigh too - will look great on your table. I'm not good with ages (people or things) so can't help you there!) Great finds!

  4. Lauren,you did have some grest finds.Love that sled!


  5. Lauren,
    J has Tandy leather dye is several colors here at the house from all the armor making. I know he has brown and black. I'm not sure what other colors he has. He also knows how to get to the Tandy's store in Parma.

  6. Sherry ~ I do apologize for laughing at your clown/JOL!!!
    Cynthia ~ Thanks for stopping by.
    Joanne ~ Thank you for your comment, and yes, the pugs are adorable!!! Thanks for dropping by ~ I read your blog all the time.
    Karin ~ Hope to see you Tuesday.
    Janet ~ What a small world. Thanks for the information!

  7. Darn!! I missed the Birmingham show again!! Wonder why that date escapes me?! Love your sled ~ good purchase!! And hopefully, someone is enjoying your gourds!

  8. Hi, Lauren ~ I really love your sled. What a great centerpiece it will be! I'd guess it to be late 1800's or turn of the century.

    So happy that Marvin found a good home, and Eema is adorable.


Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog. Your comments are much appreciated :)